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Survival-game Aishie

Animes definitely have a lot of strong battle royal type of shows. Here are all the ones I have seen, ordered from the most beloved to the least appreciated. I recommand them all for every bloodbath lover.

Good LGBT+ Relationships (Manga/Manhua/Manwha)by Nyxavis

My quest to find manga that treats LGBT characters and relationships with respect and crafts great romances.

☆ Absolute BEST Sports Anime ☆by Izumii

The ABSOLUTE BEST sports anime, for both sport fanatics and lazy brats (like myself). I just don't enjoy boxing, sorry.

TOP 15 Romance Animesby halochan

Ever wanted to watch a great Romance anime story ? Something that will grab you and won't let go

Top 10 Sad Animes That Will Make You Cryby halochan

Don't you just have that one anime that makes you cry ? That music that just touches your heart causing you to want to cry ?? Are you here looking for one ? Ready to go on a roller coaster full of emotions :)???

Mothers: Hairstyle of Death [SPOILERS]by AnimeJunkee

We don't know why, but a large number of mothers - and sometimes even fathers - who have this hairdo end up either dying or having some kind of near-death experience.

Weekly Shonen Jump 2016 Japanby chad28

Manga titles that came out every week in the Japanese Weekly Shonen Jump 2016.

Biggest Disappointmentsby Epimondas

These are anime that start out strong, great, look promising, or even just have great premises only to mess up before the end of the first season, one way or another. Such things as "jumping the shark" are included here.