Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation - Reviews

Alt title: Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu

Carnufex's avatar
Mar 16, 2024


WARNING! The protagonist of this anime is a degenerate. We’re talking about a thirty-something reincarnated with his memories, who takes advantage of a barely 10 year old girl sleeping to try and take her panties off. If you already want to puke, better stop here, but if you can get past that, the series is well worth it.

Unlike many isekai, the protagonist restarts his life from the cradle, and spends an entire childhood in his new world, which creates a kind of ambiguity, between a part of him that accepts the reality of this world as normal, including certain less glamorous aspects such as slavery, and a part that sees this world from afar as an observer, as when he sees his biological father as a “youngster” due to the fact that his mind is much older than said father.

The series takes its time and gradually unveils a very rich and quite realistic world, where for instance it takes two years to cross a continent, or different humanoid species have different life expectancies and that fact is reflected in the way they behave.

The animation is superb and the soundtrack magnificent. Most of the characters are endearing, and have their own motivations and paths in life, which can lead to them not seeing each other for years without it disrupting the plot in the slightest.


ATTENTION ! Le protagoniste de cet animé est un détraqué. On parle d’un trentenaire réincarné avec ses souvenirs, qui profite du sommeil d’une gamine de même pas 10 ans pour essayer de lui enlever sa culotte. Si vous avez déjà envie de gerber, passez votre chemin, mais si vous pouvez faire abstraction de cela, la série en vaut vraiment la peine.

Contrairement à de nombreux isekai, le protagoniste redémarre sa vie depuis le berceau, et passe toute une enfance dans son nouveau monde, ce qui crée une sorte d’ambiguïté, entre une part de lui qui accepte la réalité de ce monde comme normale, y compris certains aspects moins reluisants comme l’esclavage, et une part qui voit ce monde de loin tel un observateur, comme lorsqu’il voit son père biologique comme un « petit jeune » du fait que son esprit est bien plus vieux que ledit père.

La série prend son temps et dévoile petit à petit un monde très riche, et assez réaliste, où par exemple cela prend deux ans de traverser un continent, ou encore des espèces humanoïdes différentes ont des espérances de vie différentes et cela transparaît dans leur façon de se comporter.

L’animation est superbe et la bande son magnifique. La plupart des personnages sont attachants, et ont leurs propres motivations et leurs propres parcours, qui peut les amener à ne pas se voir pendant des années sans que cela perturbe le moins du monde l’intrigue.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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TheRogueNob's avatar
Mar 25, 2021

Well well well was I hyped for this show, and it was only from the first trailer and even though it was only 11 episodes(so far) I can definitely say this show was incredibly fun to watch. So for my brief review I have to saw that the show has a very slow start so that is something to consider if you enjoy a more action packed series. The real meat and potatoes are the characters and how they interact with the situation they are in. To simplify if you serious hate the characters after 3/4 episodes then drop it. Otherwise you can enjoy to watch an actual adult anime that isn't just about sex(I know for those who've watched it) or edgelords. Also season 2 has been announced so you can look forward to part 2 soon.

now to the detailed review (spoiler free) 

the animation is (same as for me ) probably the main draw to most people, and yeah it definitely holds up at least for the most do the show their are very few rough scenes but they are not common at all. This shows animation and art work are amazing and really will keep you look at each detail of every scene .

The sound was damn near perfect good background music, the world had real noises, all of it so crisp that it immerses you into the world. Also a big plus was the music (although that is more opinion based). The OP was great I loved how they just left the music and played over the actual story using every second of their air time. The EP is just as good

now to the characters, the real stars of the show, you will hate, love , or be disgusted by most of them. The author seriously did an amazing job writing most scenes and keeping characters feeling HUMAN. If it suits them they will kill, steal , protect, take advantage of, or turn the other way in a variety of different scenes. And on top of that characters make the wrong decisions and fail sometimes, which makes them actually feel like they are struggling in their world. Seriously the characters are amazing 

now the blemish the story, becaus it's the beginning of the show and only 11 episodes (so far) I would be lying to say that they have a direct objective or set of goals later on that does occur and I can already see the line graph of different storylines and goals the characters are trying to get. The real story doesn't start until the end of episode 8! That's a pretty long haul to get the story going. Now to be fair the goals that rudy has up until that point aren't stupid they just are very shallow almost slice of lifey . but this is when most of the characters take hold of you attention.  And luckily the second season already set up and teased the next set of story lines which I'm really looking forward to. 

i know this was pretty long so I'll wrap it up, mushoku tensei seriously is a great show to watch. with part 2 on the horizon it's definitely Great to get started early. It's well worth your time and a incredibly good watch.

thanks for the read hope you have a good one 

6.5/10 story
9.5/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
JojoHunter99's avatar
Apr 27, 2021

ok, another isekai but,

A baby with adult conscience and even giving commentary throughout the whole show, hell yes

All characters are interesting and have very unique quirks, the family of Eris was very funny 

There are some very serious and dark moments that caught me off-guard 

World looks amazing, the music is good, the main character is a blast (like a more serious Kazuma) 

Artstyle is nice, development of characters and story is quite well-paced 

Overall very good and enjoyable show 

8.5/10 story
7.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
apoc9's avatar
Mar 22, 2021

Mushoku tensei is the best take on classic isekai. By classic isekai it means reincarnation in fantasy settings with ability to use magic. In fact, it’s the series, which supposedly popularized the genre. It goes way further in story and characters than usual generic isekai series, which seems like mere cheap imitations in comparison on many levels. Starting with visuals, characters, details such as usage of fictional languages, etc. Where the series becomes questionable for people is in a way how characters portrayed are flawed. Main character is certainly a piece of work. A truly deprave and immature shut-in. He is not idolized for viewer inclining towards that behaviour. Idolizing meaning portraying a NEET as being awesome, but nobody understands that. Seeing MC in his old life is mostly revolting experience for viewer. He is fat, ugly and immature bastard. The fact he was bullied doesn’t gain him much sympathy imho. After reincarnating he tries to do better in this second life and he actually does his best to do so. This is probably the only admirable quality of his in the beginning. By having preserved memories, knowledge and character from past life it gives him some advantage, but in exchange his bad habits he takes with that too. Something commonly overlooked in lower tiers of isekai series. It introduces some weirdness factor into the story, because we have MC, who is both child and middle-aged man. For sake of fan service his lust is preserved despite the fact his new body is not mature to experience those kinds of things. Combined with the previously stated this is rather instant turn off for some characters in the story and more importantly for many viewers as well. This is the very thing which makes or breaks the series. It does have some adult scenes including some displays of outright immoral actions.

What makes this series also very different from generic isekai is how side characters matter in long run. The story is going for long run as it takes span over several years, but it does so with some time-skips. The first arc establishes characters and world – at least small portion of it. Let’s go back to the characters. For example, family, where he is born, has its own issues. Especially the father is notorious womanizer, which has consequences other series wouldn’t show. However, he has some good qualities as well and he does some good decision for his son, MC, which in long run are going to be good. Admirably even MC makes a very good decision to steer family towards the best solution when crisis arises. Roxy, she has even her own spin off manga, who teaches magic to MC, becomes idolized by him … for good and perverted reasons. The first friend, who is basically another common anime trope [1]. Eris is pretty unlikable in the beginning, but she is one of the best balanced tsundere characters.

Where the real story kicks in is the second arc [2]. Anime adaptation leaves the second arc incomplete (in the first season). It’s basically the intro arc plus part of the second arc. The second arc shows more what makes the series different from other isekai series. It aims for some consistent realism in adventures characters have. Another thing is how it changes and shifts in between arcs in terms of content and tries to keep things fresh and not linger too much on one thing in order to prevent feeling of repetitiveness. It’s both strength and weakness, because it can throw off viewer between arcs.

Animation and art style is pretty nice. It has old school anime feel. No noticeable CG. Outside sceneries are pretty and made like painting (oil or water colours). The Soundtrack is fitting, but I don’t care about the OP and ED - it’s entirely forgettable.

Overall, I do recommend the anime. However, it requires tolerance for some erotic scenes and shenanigans of MC. It’s something which makes or breaks the series for individual viewers. Hopefully there are going to be more seasons of this series, because the story just barely took off considering things I know from the manga. Btw I’ve written review on the manga adaptation too. The scoring on this anime is going to be higher, because the story didn’t reach its lowest points I’m aware from the manga.


[1] Girl mistaken commonly for boy.

[2] Magical explosion, which teleports most people in the area to random places all over the world. It’s a big change and when it happened in the manga it was turn off initially. Later on, when I’ve picked manga up again. It was actually pretty good in large scheme of things.

8/10 story
7/10 animation
5/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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InferGilgamesh's avatar
Aug 3, 2022

One of the best Isekai I ever seen, Story was good, character was also good, and the amimation was perfect

9/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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