ItaKiss - Recommendations

Alt title: Itazura na Kiss

If you're looking for anime similar to ItaKiss, you might like these titles.

Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile

The studious and uptight Chiaki is well-known as the top pianist of his school, and dreams of becoming a world-class conductor like his idol, Viera; but his fear of flying (which makes studying abroad impossible) combined with a recent break-up and dismissal from his piano instructor causes that future to seem both bleak and unlikely. After collapsing outside of his apartment, drunk, Chiaki inadvertently meets a young woman named Nodame who, while quite talented at the piano, is unclean, clumsy, and haphazard. Despite being almost polar opposites, the two begin to grow closer and work, together, to overcome the obstacles in their careers.

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Reasons you might like Nodame Cantabile...

Katie26 Katie26 says...

The main character is female and not as refined as the male lead and initially not as serious as he is. She eventually makes the male lead have feelings for her and end up together.

setupex2 setupex2 says...

Itazurana kiss and nodame cantabile revolve around a common theme and that is: The guys that they like or love are superior to them in every way but despite that they always try to be with them and try very hard to improve and become better for the sake of their love. The guy that they adore seems cold and distant, but as they spend more time together they guys soften up a bit and start to reveal their emotions through cold words of encouragement.(They desire that the girl would work hard so they can be together later on) Both of these anime are well written because you candefinitely tell that from the begining their personalities are very different, but as they spend more time together they start to show some traits from each other.

tiny9ie tiny9ie says...

It involves the long development of a relationship and its hardships and doesn't have the conventional female character, and both are total messes.  I love both of the mangas, however Itazura's is incomplete. However Nodame doesn't have much kissing etc. 

AyaSeiran AyaSeiran says...

Both Nodame Cantabile and Itazura na Kiss have male protagonists that are "perfect" in every way. Both are very critical and can speak their mind bluntly.

Even the female protagonists are very similar, both females can't cook, aren't very smart academically, but there is something about them that just gets the males in either series smitten.

The other similarity is that the males are striving to be something and the females only do their best just to be by their side- motivating each other.

shadowolf shadowolf says...

Both series have similar characters in that they both have a somewhat clumsy girl who is in love with a popular talented guy who is not interested in the girl at first. Each series then focuses on the relationship between the girl and boy and how they grow closer. If you like the characters and their relationship in one you should try out the other.

KiyoneSaya KiyoneSaya says...

Both anime center on girls trying to improve upon themselves so they can be with the man they love. Although it may not be easy both set of main character learn to compromise to be with eachother. With air headedness and cold yet funny behavior both anime are very entertianing while displaying the depths of love.

Kirisawa Kirisawa says...

If you enjoyed Nodame Cantabile, then you will definitely feel the same way when you watch Itazura Na Kiss and vice versa. In NC, Nodame is not the smartest girl in the area. She's clumsy, weird, but there is something special about her. Its the same in Itazura Na Kiss. The girl is also not the smartest cookie in the batch. This is what makes both male leads become attracted to them. They both have something special. In NC, the male lead is wise, smart, and does everything correctly. He is also popular amongst all the guys in the school. In Na Kiss, the male lead is also that way. At first, you would think, 'Why would he ever pay attention to a girl like that?' but that is what we call 'opposites attract.' Nodame and Chiaki are completely different people with different ways of thinking. So are the female and male lead in Na Kiss. You will enjoy this anime if you love the comedic, romantic stylings in either one of them!

MFM MFM says...

Both anime are about a girl who's an airheaded and with more value than she thinks. She falls in love with a handsome guy who, at first, seems to have no interest in her but finds out how wonderful she actually is later on. Both anime evolve through time and characterize the changes in their lives. Both are great romance anime shows and have their funny moments although I find Nodame Cantabile funnier. If you like one, I'm sure you'll enjoy the other one as well. 

MHT87 MHT87 says...

Female leads in both shows are same as well as male leads. The ladies have nothing better to do with their lives but to chase some male lead who are constantly thinking of themselves and their futures while the girl is a complete loser. The only reason that will keep you watching those shows is hoping the female lead will stand up for herself.... Unfortunately that wont happy

Mllt Mllt says...

Pretty much the entire time I was watching Itazura na Kiss I kept thinking how much it reminds me of Nodame Cantabile. The two stories are fairly different, with Itazura na Kiss focusing mostly on high school romance and eventually set in the medical field while Nodame Cantabile is all about romance between musicians in the world of classical music, but the dynamic between Chiaki/Nodame and Noaki/Kotoko is almost exactly the same: the girls drive the boys crazy until they eventually, (begrudgingly) acknowledge how much they love them. Both series show the relationship over the course of several years and feature a cast of hilarious side characters, and both are just well written shows that were so much fun to watch. If you've seen one, definitely check out the other!

gpviolin gpviolin says...

Both these love stories are really engaging and easy to love.

Chiaki and Naoki:

  • Both are the cool and intelligent type
  • Both of them initially don't like the female leads
  • Both develop feelings for the female leads mid series almost suddenly
  • They both don't like admitting the strength of their affection
  • They both push the female leads to realize their full potential

Nodame and Kotoko

  • Both the non-glamorous and unconventional female leads
  • Both lack motivation/sense of purpose with their careers
  • Both find their calling (in careers) because of their love for the male leads
  • Both the female leads get jealous of the female attention that the male leads get

Bibliophili Bibliophili says...

Both have a snobby rich guy and a clumsy girl, however I feel like Nodame Cantabile has more depth to it and is more realistic. Nodame is also talented in her own right in a way that the heroine from Itazura is not. Chiaki is a tsundere in the most realistic way possible, and though it takes time he really does love Nodame. The hero in Itazura may be a tsundere but for the most part it feels likd he's just going along with things because it is easier that way. Regardless I enjoyed both greatly I tazura na kiss is more lighthearted and shoujo while Nodame Cantabile is more Josei or slice of life in my opinion. They are both great and worth a read/watch.

lil1doll lil1doll says...

Though plots are very different, I remember watching Nodame Cantabile and multiple times thinking "this reminds me of ItaKiss."

A clumsy, haphazard girl pines for the coolest guy in school. Though I feel Chiaki is a nicer version, he is VERY similar to Irie. Both are quite mean and try to act indifferent to the female leads, but as the stories go on you can see the cracks appear in their hard exteriors. 

Both also take place in a school setting. Both have parts in college. Both are adult relationships. Though, Nodame Cantabile definitely has music/Chiaki's growth as the main plotline where I feel Itakiss focuses more on the romance and the leads' relationship.

I loved both!

fuwafuwabunny fuwafuwabunny says...

Both are really great animes and the main characters are really similar. Nodame is really similar to Kotoko in the way where they are both airheaded and are put in a class for the failing students. Chiaki is really similar to Irie in the way where he is so annoyed from Nodame but ends up liking her. If you like opposite attract animes, you'll definitely like this one.

Lovely Complex

Lovely Complex

Lovely Complex is a story of a boy and a girl. The girl, Koizumi Risa, is much taller than the average Japanese girl; and the boy, Atsushi Otani, is much shorter than the average Japanese boy. Due to their immense difference in size and constant bickering with each other, the duo is unwillingly the school’s comic relief. As Risa and Otani continue to provide endless laughter for the masses, their friendship develops; and with that, so does Risa’s feelings for Otani...

13 votes

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Reasons you might like Lovely Complex...

Lally Lally says...

Both anime are centered on romance and school life, they are both really really funny and with nice drawings!They talk about how much difficult a relationship can be but also that love can grow with time and is not merely based on apparences and look. The warning is: You can fall in love even with the last person you've thought you will fall in love with!!!!!! Try it!

CarrieHasRabies CarrieHasRabies says...

Kotoko and Risa both make hilarious faces. Both anime have made me laugh out loud and also provide a fast-paced plot that keeps you interested during the entire series. They also both have seemingly unattainable boys, but the girls never give up when trying to achieve love.

VivisQueen VivisQueen says...

Lovely Complex and Itazura na Kiss have a similar sense of humour and are both incredibly funny accounts of girls trying their best to win over a boy. Light-hearted and energetic, they give you a similar warm, summery feeling. I think you'll definitely appreciate one if you liked the other.

lostinlalaland lostinlalaland says...

If you liked Itazura na Kiss or Lovely Complex for the leading lady, then you'll definitely like the other. Both Risa and Kotoko are probably the most determined heroines I've ever seen. They fight for their right to love the leading males who, really, are quite a battle indeed. The art style in both is a quirky fashion, and the plot moves at a fast pace. The shows are both about couples who are seemingly from different worlds that mix in just the right amount of comedy and romance and drama. If you liked either, I can almost guarantee you will enjoy the other.

cassiesheepgirl cassiesheepgirl says...

Both Lovely Complex and Itazura na Kiss focus on a young High school girl who is in a one-sided love with a fellow student. Both document the trials that the two female protagonists face in trying to make the object of their affection fall in love with them, often with comedic results.

newjo newjo says...

Both the lady protagonists (Kotoko and Koizumi) are very persistent in showing their affection towards their loved ones (Irie and Otani). They both 'courted' these guys who happen to be both famous with their peers.

Another thing is that Kotoko and Koizumi aren't very bright in academics though both are optimistic in life.

Galcifer Galcifer says...

Lovely Complex is a really amazing anime. In some ways it resembles Itazura na Kiss in both show that perseverances in any that u waht provels in this anime also the girl almost beg for the boy that she love to be accepted even their differences are noticeable and i dont mean in personality or brains in fact they are to much alike even so much they are really good friends well more or less LOL they bully each other because she is taller that him even that most of ther frinds and he is smaller that her and also more that their friends so what happen when she star to look at him different more that friends and even more when he reject u this has comedy , romance and alot thsin about life so both anime are grea that main differences with this just about hish school life and body differences and Itazura na kiss is is also about that but more deep meang about life and even goes futher that high school life watch both off there u will love them

maaii maaii says...

While Lovely Complex focuses on the high school years of the main characters and Itazura na Kiss takes place over a long period of time i think they are both alike in the romance department. In both series the relationships between the main characters are problematic right from the beginning. Tall girl with a short guy? An air head in love with a genius? Well why not? Also the comedy in both is great, the ironic/sarcastic yet silly kind of comedy. If you tried one and liked it, try watching the other one, and im sure you will like it just as much!

JiroKurumi JiroKurumi says...

Both of these anime have similar high school romantic comedy aspect to them. Both focus on one relationship instead of a weird complicated love triangle and have this girl chasing the guy aspect. Plus both are hillariously funny :)

chinesegirl524 chinesegirl524 says...

What makes Lovely Complex and Itazura na Kiss so similar is that they have parallel story lines, but different situations. Both female leads fall in love with someone "not suitable" for them, who the male leads initially reject. However, both Risa Koizumi (Lovely Complex) and Kotoko Aihara (Itazura na Kiss) overcome their stereotypical couple barrier and get the male leads to fall in love with them as well. 

They are both romantic comedies with great endings. If you liked one, then you will definitely like the other! :)

NimirRa NimirRa says...

Ah unrequited love...

If you're slightly masochistic (in a good way of course!) and enjoy the heartfelt phases a school girl goes through when she likes someone that is uninterested, but still sees/hangs onto the glimmer of hope that keeps us all on the edge of our seats- you will find these shows likeable in more ways than one.

MidnightAria MidnightAria says...

Both animes have the message: With persistance, you can win away love. I think it's a great message to have, considering both animes end off with a happy ending.

pelagicgirl pelagicgirl says...

Girl loves guy. Guy doesn't feel the same way...yet. Itazura na Kiss is more serious and spans a longer period of time in the characters' lives than Lovely Complex, but both have that element of girl perservering and succeeding in love. 

Special A

Special A

Ever since their first meeting at six years old, Hikari Hanazono has struggled to defeat her rival Kei Takashima at anything, whether it be athletics or academics. To date she has proven unsuccessful, resulting in Kei constantly referring to her as "second place." In reality, Kei has been in love with Hikari for quite some time, but Hikari remains completely oblivious to the fact. Now, as the top two students in a prestigious academy, the duo continues their long-running competition as part of the school's elite class of seven, the Special A. Will Hikari ever surpass Kei... or realize that he loves her?

13 votes

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Reasons you might like Special A...

chamomille chamomille says...

Both series are very funny and enjoyable. They show us that intelligent and handsome guys don't have to necessarily live an easy and happy life. They need a woman to support them and give them real happiness. If you liked one, you'd surely like the other.

sarwor248 sarwor248 says...

Both anime feature a cold and super intelligent guy. The female character is more on the carefree fun loving side. Both anime also feature a "one-sided love", and both are really funny.

sayian sayian says...

Both series focus on a love relationship between the main protagonist. Reverse role in Itazura na Kiss with the female loving the male. Instead of subtle hints of love, Itazura na Kiss is explicit from the very start and the storyline progresses from there. Highly recommend if you enjoyed Special A. In addition, excellent ending that will not leave the viewer hanging. Storyline spans from High school all the way to College and after.

cassiesheepgirl cassiesheepgirl says...

Both of these series place heavy focus on the unrequited love of one of the central characters and the way they deal with their feelings. Both series are full of comedy, so if you enjoyed one then it's well worth checking out the other.

KiyoneSaya KiyoneSaya says...

Have two female lead chracter who are determined to win. Lead male that seems somewhat distant and sometimes down right mean but in the end they find that they care for eachother.

akatsukiJuS akatsukiJuS says...

they both have a really smart and athetic guy, and a female character that wants to improve herself.

Also the guy is secretly in love, but at the beguining he doesn't know it

Trinityx94 Trinityx94 says...

I watched Special A first, and when watching Itazura na Kiss I thought that these anime were two sides of the same coin. Very similar yet extremely different.

Now one thing you should know is that Itazura na Kiss is a more realistic anime and is suited for a slightly older audience then SA - wheras SA has more comedic, slightly more light hearted storyline with a slightly younger audience in mind. Both anime include the mixture of romance, comedy and character development very well - neither really creating a break where the storyline gets boring; every episode introduces a new part of the story which leaves you wanting more. If you enjoyed one, then I definately recommend the other.

AyaSeiran AyaSeiran says...

Both of the male protagonists in the series are "perfect"- down to both of them even saying that they only need to see something once to remember it.

wolfangel87 wolfangel87 says...

While Special A is more of a comedy type anime and Itazura na Kiss takes on a slightly more serious tone, the characters in each are easily relatable to one another.  It is interesting to see the one-sided love in both of these shows but from entirely different perspectives.

ela ela says...

Both of these shows reminded me of each other, if you liked Special A, then you're bond to love Itazura na Kiss and vise versa.  Honestly, they have the same feel to them.  Both involve a guy who is the top of his class, and a girl who tries everything to be as good as him.  Although it is for different purposes, because in Special A it's mainly because of jealousy (and she doesn't realize her feelings for him), while in Irazura na kiss, she does it because she loves him and wants to be good enough for him. Both guys often tease the girls to an extreme too, just to hide their initial feelings.

MidnightAria MidnightAria says...

Both animes have the main lead in love with the girl. Although in Special A, you have the girl who's completely ignorant of the boy liking her at all, while in Itazura na Kiss, you have the girl who's ignorant of the boy liking her back.

khadie khadie says...

i love them both, i enjoy romance and comedy animes. i would recomend these two to all my friends, my friends friends, my friends friends friends, im sure you get the idea.

tasyotagain tasyotagain says...

I find the art style to be sort of similar and how the two of these anime has Grumpy x Sunshine trope where the FLs are the Sunshine and the MLs are the Grumpy one, it's also them being a rival at school

Marmalade Boy

Marmalade Boy

Miki is a normal high school student, living a normal life, but one day she is welcomed home with an announcement: her parents have decided to get divorced and switch partners with close friends of the family. The reason? Love. But to add to Miki's disbelief, she may get a new "brother," and he may just happen to be in love with her...

10 votes

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Reasons you might like Marmalade Boy...

Katie26 Katie26 says...

In both the main girl character has to live with a boy she doesn't like so much in the beginning.

suiru suiru says...

The premises of both series are fairly similar. Due to bizarre circumstances, a plucky but hapless teenage girl is forced to live in the same house as the cold, tactless, and handsome love interest. Kotoko and Miki are very similar, as are their male counter parts.

Even so, the stories aren't carbon copies of each other. Anyone who appreciates shoujo drama and humor would do well to check out both series.

Saphiro01 Saphiro01 says...

Both Itazura na Kiss and Marmalade Boy are anime about adverse situations in a day to day slice of life type of situation. While a little out there compared to normal hum drum daily life in reality; both series do not rely on absurdities such as magic, harems, or galactic war to set up the situation. Rather both anime have a down to earth and believable (If a bit dramatic at times) feel to them. Anyone who loves a good slice of life story, has dealt with the doubts and trials that come with a budding relationship, or anyone who just likes to watch characters squirm in situations the manga-ka / writers place them in will love both of these series.

joykimlee joykimlee says...

Both are super shoujo love dramas!  Both lead girls suddenly finds herself living with a super kakkoii schoolmate idol whom she fights and falls in love with.  100% teen mini soap opera consisting of 2 main bishies falling for 1 insecured cute clumsy girl.  Watch their love life trials and tribulations until they get married, with all sorts of sweet romance, love triangles, changing partners and forbidden love stories in between.  Must watch for romance shoujo lovers!

akatsukiJuS akatsukiJuS says...

Both animes are comedy, romance and drama type and about an innocent love... the stories are about more than one love story.. about love triangles or love squares.

In both cases the story starts with both families moving toguether and high school love.

wolfangel87 wolfangel87 says...

Kotoko (Itazura na Kiss) and Miki (Marmalade Boy) are very similar female characters.  Due to circumstances beyond their control they are focused to move into a house with two guys that eventually become their love interests.  Both series have the real life type of situation to them and the characters each just have to deal as best as they can under the circumstances.

MidnightAria MidnightAria says...

Both animes have the girl and boy living in the same house. The plots are kind of smiliar, but in Marmalade Boy, the boy actually likes the girl first, unlike Itazura na Kiss.

shinrehi42 shinrehi42 says...

Both have the same living house story and is a good romcom that also shows what the character goes thru college

fuwafuwabunny fuwafuwabunny says...

Both are about a rom-com story where the main girl has to move in with the handsome male. Enough said. Both characters don't like each other at first and then eventually develop feelings for each other over the course of the anime. Although Yuu is MUCH nicer to Miki than Irie is to Kotoko, there is still that opposites attract theme in there. I found myself thinking about the similarities between the two when I watched both. Happy watching! <3

Alove321 Alove321 says...

If you like Itakiss, you'll love Marmalade Boy because they are basically twins with a different storyline. The sets up are almost identical other than a few quarks within their family matters. I love that this is a completed romance, if you know me I search for those! The old school animation is chefs kiss.

however is can feel a bit rushed towards the end. 

Wolf Girl and Black Prince

Wolf Girl and Black Prince

Everyone knows that lies can come back to bite you, but when Erika makes up a fake boyfriend to impress her new classmates, the results may literally end up hounding her forever! Yes, it was dumb, but what were the odds that the random guy whose picture she used would turn out to be a student at her own school? Or that said faux-boyfriend's silence would come with such a horrible price? Now Erika doesn't just have to run and fetch at Kyoya Sata's command, she has to bark too! Because he's literally treating her like a dog, and she just has to roll over and take it, or he'll tell everyone the truth! But that's not the worst part, because even though this wolf in hunk's clothing has Erika collared, she may be starting to have REAL feelings for him anyway! Is she barking up the wrong tree, or could true love be unleashed in Wolf Girl & Black Prince?

9 votes

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Reasons you might like Wolf Girl and Black Prince...

GrnEydDvl GrnEydDvl says...

Both of these shows are fairly standard shojo romances, and while the premises are different, the way the characters interact is very similar.  The female lead is fairly ordinary, clumsy, and relentless in pusuing the guy she likes, while the male lead is attractive, desired by many women, stand-offish, and treats the girl poorly to hide his growing affection for her.  Additionally, unlike many romances, you don't have to wait for the very last episode for the characters to get together.  There are many episodes of relationship after the two become a couple.  If you like the way the couple interacts in one show, you will probably like the other.

Sianeka Sianeka says...

Both Itazura na Kiss and Wolf Girl and Black Prince share a similar story setup: everyday normal girl falls for super popular and handsome boy and spends the rest of the show trying to get this originally uncaring and unemotional male to return the feelings. If you enjoy seeing the stories that cause a cold male lead to eventually warm up to the caring female and then fall in love with her, both of these titles will serve up a generous helping of these.  Itazura feels a bit more cliche, while Wolf Girl feels a bit more original in presentation, so I'm making this a one-way rec: If you enjoyed Itazura na Kiss, I really think you will enjoy watching the romance develop in Wolf Girl.

kayoky093 kayoky093 says...

Action starts in school and the helpless girl is saved by the unsensitive perfect boy. The girl is the one that starts to fall in love and is extremply surprised by the response. Emotionally intense scenes.

elusify elusify says...

Wolf Girl and Black Prince is a lighter show compared to Itazura na Kiss, and doesn't go on for as long. But it has a nice pacing for 12 episodes and it still features -- you guessed it -- super sadistic guy, and a heroine who can't help but fall for him and get strung along. Good times. 

BlueMoonSky BlueMoonSky says...


  • Both main characters are girls.
  • They like the male main character.
  • the story plot is romantic, but not sketchy.
  • in the end they end up being together.
  • the male characters have sourpuss attitudes.
  • the male characters both have a perfect record for school.
  • Both female characters are reckless in many ways.


  • The male character in Itazura na Kiss isn't popular, while the other character in Wolf girl and the Black Prince is popular amongst the female side characters.
  • the male character in Wolf girl and the Black Prince looks nice at first but then he is mean inside, but then gets softer, so he is like a tsundere. While the main character in Itazura na Kiss is cold, but he gets nicer quickly.

But either way the animes are a must see and the story plot is amazing!

Noitra Noitra says...

I would say, the most simial thing here is the protagonists. The boy is so popular. Everygirl in the school wants to date him. The female protagonist is rooting for him. But the boy does not show any feelings for her, insults her, treats her badly but still the girl won't give up. Then there will appear a second male character who wants to be with the girl and treats her really well. Then there will be some scenes of confusion. The boy would get jealous and would want the girl back.

All are same here. This is the nerest themed anime. Enjoy watching.

singularity singularity says...

These both center around one-sided relationships with a cold, cruel boy, who eventually realizes he can't live without the girl. 

ktcandycorn ktcandycorn says...

Super similar. I honestly like IsaKiss more. Thought it was super cute and the ending was fufilling. The only downside to IsaKiss is the animation. But the story carries it in my opinion

shinrehi42 shinrehi42 says...

Both have tsundere mcs and acts like they hate the fl, however they love them dearly. Both mls have character develpment and both are in a high school setting, Both have a prince idol type of scenario 

Clannad After Story

Clannad After Story

Summer break is now over; the second semester has started for Tomoya, Nagisa and the others, and little has changed. Since Tomoya's relationship with his father is still troubled, he continues to live with Nagisa and her family, even if it means getting roped into organizing a baseball team for the family bakery. Life at school continues as normal with Sunohara as carefree as ever; however, when his sister Mei voices her concerns about him, the series of events that follow place a strain on Sunohara and Tomoya’s friendship. Whether it's saving a person from themselves or passing on a message from the past, one thing’s for sure: no matter how tough things get, good friends will always be there to help out.

8 votes

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Reasons you might like Clannad After Story...

bobjoe bobjoe says...

Besides the common elements of romance between a fairly ditsy girl and a guy who can be more than a little brash and insulting at times, these two anime both posses a common feeling derived from the emotional power of the bond between two people who love each other for who they are, regardless of the influences of other people around them. Both ItaKiss and the Clannad Saga span an intriguingly long period of the protagonists' lives, and both of them present their stories in a comedic, yet emotionally engaging way.

chinesegirl524 chinesegirl524 says...

Out of all the romance anime I've seen, both Itazura na Kiss and Clannad After Story actually "finish" and complete their stories. I don't want to spoil either anime, but both start off with a boy and a girl meeting in high school, getting married, while going through several obstacles physically and mentally. It is intriguing to watch the development of all the characters and how they are so similar; even the characters are pretty alike in personality.

The main difference is that Clannad After Story has a more down to earth feel, while Itazura na Kiss has more comedy, with the background turning into flowers and hearts and what not. 

Both are a must for those who love romance and slice of life anime! :)

gretzky99 gretzky99 says...

I have seen quite a lot romantic shows and I have seen even more school life shows, but I only know Clannad After Story and Itazura na Kiss that follow the lives of the main characters after graduation. In both animes the lovers love each others with no conditions and hold on no matter what.

On the other hand, the greatest difference between the two is that Itazura na Kiss provides light and comic entertainment, the couple's problems are resolved quite easily, while in Clannad After Story the audience gets more drama filled with emotions like despair or sorrow.

Baebaeclc Baebaeclc says...

These are both good series that remind me of each other alot although the Clannad after stories made me cry a lot both of the female lead characters where lovable and in both series time flows while years go by

liliumtigrinum3 liliumtigrinum3 says...

The main males in both series have a confident air about them, which truly masks some insecurities. Kotoko and Nagisa (the main females of the series) are often clueless, but they have a positive outlook on life that helps the males to grow as well as fall in love with them. Nagisa is much more shy than Kotoko though, and Tomoya is looked at as a delinquent rather than a prodigy. 

Both anime series have a pretty realistic relationship outlook while being comedic. On the other hand, Itazura na Kiss is a lot lighter that Clannad After Story, which in my opinion leans more towards the slice of life aspect than the romantic comedy one. Also, Clannad displays magic/spirtualality (not necessaryily refering to religion) which is not found in Itazura na Kiss.

In short, both series are sweet and keep you riveted in your seat till the very end. I highly recommend Clannad After Story, but I'm warning you now, have a tissue ready.  

pattyrambles pattyrambles says...

If you like anime that continue after marriage and show the couple's married life you'll love clannad since the story doesn't just stop at the confession and marriage. CLANNAD and itazura na kiss are two of my top favorites. I wish there were more anime/manga with this type of style since I like to watch the couple grow together after marriage. 

delolmo delolmo says...

Both anime give you a glimse into the future while showing growth through day to day struggles.

SparklingLilac SparklingLilac says...

If you liked this anime Clannad may be your best choice if you want something with a similar theme.

Both of them are about a couple who slowly fall in love with each other while under some periods living under the same roof. Both of them are also about life during high school and what happens after you graduate.

While Itazura na Kiss is a more optimistic and happy anime Clannad focuses more on the good and the bad things in life and how life isn't just a walk in the park but a roller coaster of happy and sad times and how to handle the sad times when they come. It also shows you that you have to appreciate the happy moments and not take them for granted as you never know when your happiness is taken away from you.

A very emotional anime but one of my strongest recommendations regarding having seen Itazura na Kiss.

Both fantastic animes that takes you on different journeys through life and both with ending that leaves you with a fuzzy warm felling inside with endings that makes it all worthwhile.

Boys Over Flowers

Boys Over Flowers

The average Tsukushi Makino attends the snobby, elite Eitoku Academy, which is dominated by the Flower Four (F4) – the sons of the most powerful families. Like the rest of her classmates, Tsukushi keeps a low profile until one day she can stand it no more! For her obstinance, the F4 declare war and it's Tsukushi against all. In the middle of it all, she finds herself drawn strangely close to two of the F4; they might not be as bad as they seem. With her heart torn between two boys, will Tsukushi be able to find the love she desires?

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Reasons you might like Boys Over Flowers...

redfire389 redfire389 says...

These both series have in common the status of the characters, a rich boy and a average woman born in a poor family. the series tells about how they fell in love and the difficulties they have because of their differences, there's always someone that fells in love and then the other person doesn't have the same feelings, this and the appearance of more characters that get between their relationship makes it all more difficult. If you liked the growing up relationships and all the twists on hana yori dango, you'll sure like itazura na kiss, and viceversa.

inbee2in inbee2in says...

Both have a great love story that is developed with characters you will fall in love with.

There is a struggle and triumph that isn't so lasts until you've gone through sadness, anger, tears, laughter, frustration and more.

Both will engulf you into their stories and characters from episode to episode like a warm embrace.

My all time favorites Hana Yori Dango, Itazura na Kiss & Marmalade Boy. All three have the same air of longingness and fulfillment that is hard to find in fiction or in life.

Enjoy one and you'll want to see the others.

The characters are rich, entricate and complex. There some you'll love, some you'll hate, some you'll love to hate and others you'll hate to love but will..and still you'll be left wanting more...

wolfangel87 wolfangel87 says...

With priviledged males and slightly clumsy heroines Itazura na Kiss and Hana Yori Dango are made for each other!  The romantic stories of crossing the boundaries of class status and skill are far reach in both of these series.  The main characters struggle to create the perfect relationship but they is something that always intercedes between them making their struggle all the more magical in the end.

Alove321 Alove321 says...

If you liked Itakiss, you may like boys over flowers because of the throwback animation and the hard to get MC. 

althought boys over flowers is not as full hearted and romance fulfilling as Itakiss it does give a nice charisma. The characters are developed well, you see their personal growth. As well as the relationship between the official couple develop through many trials. It is a completed! Romance! Which is so hard to find!! Not left with an assumption. 

We Were There

We Were There

Yano Motoharu is the most popular guy in class, the school’s basketball ace, and highly charismatic to boot! No wonder Nanami Takahashi can’t resist falling in love with him. When Yano returns Nana’s feelings, things seem too good to be true and the two begin a relationship; but Yano has a contradictory personality which confuses Nana most of the time. On top of that, tragic events in Yano’s past won’t stop haunting their relationship. Unable to halt their passionate feelings, are Yano and Nana heading for disaster or can they save each other from irreparable hurt?

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Reasons you might like We Were There...

penkaur penkaur says...

Both Bokura ga Ita and Itazura Kiss deal with the relationship of two high school students. Though their story line are not identical, it is true that the lead characters do not fall in love with each other immediately, but in the end their love is reciprocated.

Shadow06 Shadow06 says...

These anime are truly very flowery and romantic, in which the girl is a bit stupid, but very fragile, and knows very little about the boy, which makes her cry often.

wolfangel87 wolfangel87 says...

Relationships are always going to be complicated as the characters in Itazura na Kiss and Bokura ga Ita come to realize.  Both of these animes feature great real life tales that deal with the hardships of trying to keep a relationship going.

MidnightAria MidnightAria says...

Both animes revolve around "love" and show the struggles and advantages of loving somebody. However, in Bokura ga Ita, it's a little more bittersweet but not as happy as Itazura na Kiss.

His and Her Circumstances

His and Her Circumstances

Yukino had it all. Brilliant, athletic, popular and pretty, she was the perfect school girl with many friends and admirers. But then one fateful day she met her match: a handsome young man named Arima. Now, not only is he beating her at her own game, she's becoming more and more dismayed to learn that she's developing her first real feelings of romance. Can Yukino maintain her model student appearance, or will love ruin all her plans?

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Reasons you might like His and Her Circumstances...

charlie2alpha charlie2alpha says...

Two very similar series. The boy is the school idol, perfect in almost everything. The girl falls in love, and many funny things happen. High school romance at it's best!

Katie26 Katie26 says...

The main character is also a female student, whole initially has a rough start with the male lead. She eventually gets married with the male lead.

tiny9ie tiny9ie says...

Kare Kano is probably deeper than Itazura but equally as entertaining.  It involves the long development of a relationship and its hardships and doesn't have the average female character.  I love both of the mangas, however Itazura's is incomplete. 



Ryuuji Takasu has an eventful life: his classmates think he's a delinquent due to his 'killer' eyes; his crush Minori seems ever out of reach; and he’s just had an unfortunate encounter with 'palm-sized Taiga' – a feisty and dainty wench in his class. With different cleaning habits and tempers, the two clash like night and day; that is, except for the fact that Taiga and Ryuuji have crushes on the other's good friend! With school rumors abounding, the duo must now work together to play matchmaker for each other. Who will end up with their true love?

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Reasons you might like Toradora!...

PlatinumDragon PlatinumDragon says...

Both Toradora and Itazura Na Kiss have quite a lot in common. From finding love triangles to comedy. They each have their unique spice that catches ones attention and delves them into the story making you want to watch the next episode. In both anime's you have characters fighting through daily lives while trying to get the person they love to see them. They are great anime that I am sure many will love.

Darkassasin Darkassasin says...

They are very simular. Both are looking for love, if you love romance and comedy you should pick these up

kayoky093 kayoky093 says...

Character development is similar. Ita is more intense tho, even if toradora may have more likability towrds youngsters due to the fact that everything stays in school.