
Gender: Male
Hair Color: White
Rank #1,734
Rank #8,317

Bepo is a large whit bear who is a member of the Heart Pirates and is loyal to his captain, Trafalgar Law. He is a very strong fighter who specialises in martial arts style battle, but despite his power, Bepo is quite sensitive when others talk about his appearance.

I this character

Anime Roles

Hungry Days x One Piece Minor Non-Speaking Role
One Piece Minor
One Piece Film: Red Minor
Tokyo One Piece Tower: Tongari Shima no Dai Hihou Minor

Manga Roles

One Piece Minor
One Piece Gakuen Minor
One Piece Party Minor

Related Characters

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Hak Apr 15, 2024

*eats poisoned fish knowing it's poisoned*

/ poison kicks in /

"I'm fading...don't leave me"

MiniiChan Aug 25, 2021

I love him soo much, he is soo cutee <3