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And the title echoed sadly into the void: "A Revenge Story...A" For there is no vengeance taken and the central plots so far have had nothing at all to do with vengeance. Yes, the protagonist is broody and talks about wanting to get revenge on that old man for leaving fem to die and on god for allowing such things to take place, but it honestly rings hollow. Are we seriously supposed to accept that the things that happened to fem are worthy of devoting months and maybe years of feir life going forward to making them pay? 'Cause, yeah, it was messed up that fe was abandoned in the woods to die. But feir overpowered abilities, like Dismantle and Healing Food, made it so fe was never in any real risk of dying and quickly got to the point of being able to dominate everything around fem. And, yeah, it was messed up that fe was summoned to this world in the first place with no way to get back to Earth. But fe doesn't actually seem all that broken up about it and fe has seemed to be building connections and adapting to life in this new world pretty well, so just...move on,, seriously...Vengeance is always an impractical enterprise--and I personally don't think it's ever justified--but goddamn it's especially not justified for these minimally-damaging grievances. But thankfully, the story has seemed to push the whole vengeance thing to the back burner to focus on more interesting storylines. Like, the most recent storyline involves fem solving a murder and using magic as an investigative tool. Though I should say that feir anti-hero, cocky personality (that is presumably a byproduct of the great emotional turmoil that has lead fem to devote feir life to vengeance) feels hackneyed and annoying. I also don't like the way that feir abilities are so overpowered (like, it would've been better if the food granted temporary boosts instead of permanent skills), but I guess that's just the nature of these types of stories.

[Reviewed at chapter 14]

4/10 story
3/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall

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SenseiMedo Jul 12, 2022

Update: dropped at chapter 6, rated 2/10. Unfortunately, it starts with a good revenge trope but it quickly tumbles into revenge with no basis and becomes a generic copycat isekai. 

nathandouglasdavis Jul 12, 2022


I think the first problem is that you seem to be assuming that since you've encountered some of my reviews on Revenge manga, then that must mean that I focus on Revenge manga or something. That's not at all the case. As of right now, I've written 1,564 reviews. And there's a decent spread of genres and styles within that because sometimes I'll go out of my way to read a manga which I might not normally gravitate towards in order to experience more things.

But to attempt to answer your question, based on animeplanet's tags, these are all of the Revenge-tagged manga which I would rate as 8/10 or higher:

SenseiMedo Jul 12, 2022

I just read the first chapter and I feel his revenge is justified, probably not the best iseki start, too rushed etc but think of it from this perspective, " someone kidnaps you, throws you in a torture chamber and you luckily escape" would you not want revenge? that's pretty much what happened to him, he was tricked that he was going to a random country but was actually sent to a forest to die and he nearly did die from the beast that made him go through the pain and nearly died. 

From the looks of it, revenge obviously is going to take a long time but that's this type of story. There's the type where you build your strength to gain revenge and those with strong revenge and vengeance is taken immediately like "The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate with Darkness" which you also rated badly so I'd like you to recommend me revenge manga/manhwa that you rated highly so I can see what kind of revenge you believe is a good revenge story. 

So far these 2 works are polar opposites yet still are ranked low in your opinion which makes me curious what revenge did you read and rate highly?