Vinland Saga - Reviews

ZtildyeS88's avatar
Aug 16, 2022

I tought , there is no higher overrated anime after i watched   "86"
but I was wrong.
Story is set in year 1002 to 1020 or something , events in story actually happened in history , but all characters are fictional , so where is point in making it historical?
Next thing is that most of characters are ridiciolously overpowered , and they are at the same time grotesquely
drawn. And I don´t even mention that they are drinking wine and nothing else , but drinking liters of alcohol every day is normal in anime for some reason.
All characters just want power or wealth or both , and christian characters don´t behave like christians at all. Most funny was Canut´s instant personality transformation. And I don´t get why is Achelad letting main character by his side as warrior , because In real world in that age, Guys who leads pirate groups would just executed main character when he was like 8 years old , in 4th episode. SFX is not excellet either , but must say animation is very good.
Rewiew is getting too long here so Vinlan Saga is just under average, wannabe historical anime.

0.1/10 story
8/10 animation
1/10 sound
0.3/10 characters
0.1/10 overall
DanCharles7's avatar
Jul 12, 2021

Big viking men.

Big fights, big iceland and countries, i like because good bigness.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
SEGHE's avatar
Sep 21, 2023

"Vinland Saga" - An Epic Tale of Vikings and Vengeance

Story (9/10): "Vinland Saga" delivers a compelling and rich narrative set in the Viking Age. The story follows Thorfinn, a young warrior seeking revenge for the death of his father, and it takes viewers on a journey through a meticulously researched historical setting. The series excels in depicting the complexities of morality, the horrors of war, and the allure of peace. It balances intense action sequences with moments of introspection and character development. While the pacing can be slow at times, it allows for deeper exploration of its themes. The story is both captivating and thought-provoking, making it one of the standout historical anime series.

Animation (9/10): Wit Studio delivers stunning animation in "Vinland Saga." The battles are gorgeously choreographed, and the character designs are distinct and realistic. The series captures the brutality of combat and the beauty of the natural world with equal finesse. The animation shines in its attention to detail, whether it's the intricacies of Viking ships or the landscapes of the various locations. The use of CGI is seamless and enhances the overall visual experience.

Sound (8/10): The soundtrack of "Vinland Saga" is fitting for its epic tone. The score includes grand orchestral pieces that accentuate pivotal moments and evoke a sense of grandeur. However, there are moments when the soundtrack could have been more diverse to match the emotional nuances of certain scenes. Voice acting, both in the Japanese and English versions, is well done and helps bring the characters to life.

Characters (9/10): The characters in "Vinland Saga" are multi-dimensional and undergo significant growth throughout the series. Thorfinn's journey from vengeance-driven warrior to a more introspective and morally conflicted individual is a highlight. Askeladd, the enigmatic Viking leader, is a standout character with complex motivations. The supporting cast is equally well-developed, with their individual arcs contributing to the overall narrative.

Overall (9/10): "Vinland Saga" is a masterfully crafted anime that combines historical accuracy with a gripping story, outstanding animation, and well-rounded characters. It invites viewers to explore themes of vengeance, honor, and the pursuit of a peaceful life. While its pacing may not suit all tastes, it is a must-watch for fans of historical dramas and epic storytelling.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
Parakasha's avatar
Oct 24, 2022

This is a review I wrote on August 8th, 2022. I'm only posting it now for the sake of doing so. I've since read and caught up with the manga, and it's one of my favorite stories of all time. With that, I hope you can appreciate the early thoughts I had after finishing the first season and being left in awe.


When I started Vinland Saga, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. It was like my every other decision to watch or read something: spontaneous. I knew nothing of what I was about to watch, only that it had Vikings. So, hopefully, you would be happy to hear how pleased per se I was with it. In fact, I would say more than "pleased."

Set in the 12th century. Vinland Saga sought to tell a compelling story about morally-dubious characters in a ruthless world trying to attain their goals. Despite acting as a prologue, akin to Berserk's own Golden Age adaptation, it excellently tells its story and point. That being said, I just don't have a lot I can say for sure about Vinland Saga as a whole. For a manga that's still ongoing, and with a second season on the way next year, there's so much to unpack that all I can say is that it's a character study. A historical character study.

See, the cast is a jumble of real people and fictitious stand-ins who exist to incorporate the pivotal elements of our story. These characters range from pillaging Vikings who only know violence and rape, to royalty that schemes behind the backs of others constantly. Not everyone has a realistically achievable goal; some, if not most, want only to die in battle so they can reach Valhalla. However, the show never wants to answer such ontological and complex questions as "where do we go when we die" or "what does it all mean." Some characters might think of them, but many don't. Our protagonist is centered on a singular goal he's been working toward for over 10 years. It's all he can think about. The person he wants to kill only wonders when everything will end.

Taking the form of a revenge story, the way the story's events unfold gives us plenty of reason to despise the antagonist. However, slowly across the unfurling narrative, we are given glimpses into his internal machinations. Askeladd is an amazing character. His balance of hatred for others & himself and his love for his people are truly what guides us through the story. Even if Thorfinn is our protagonist, his simple one-track mind would leave a lot to be desired. Having a perspective that changes consistently between the bits of growth we see in Thorfinn and the untold pain within Askeladd, we're able to appreciate more about their worlds and tribulations.

By the end of the first season, we learn all we needed to know about Askeladd. Thorfinn is reunited with an old friend. We are given answers to questions that ailed us, or at least those questions that pertained to Askeladd's harrowing life. The only one left is "where will we go from here?" I plan to start the manga where the anime leaves off after this. Words cannot explain how much this show has ingrained itself within me. I see no reason to discuss its quality of animation or music. Just know it was animated by Wit Studio and its soundtrack was composed by Yutaka Yamada (once a student of Hiroyuki Sawano).

10/10 story
10/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
trashcan007's avatar
Oct 31, 2023

This anime is very similar to Guts’ backstory in the anime “Berserk” (which Berserk covered in maybe 1 episode’s worth of screen time combined). I liked some elements like the progression of skills and war strategies. Some of the action scenes are very good, others are corny and beyond unrealistic. 

The setting is in the islands of Europe. It is viking-based with references to Germanic gods and lots of barbaric activities. 

Here are the things in this anime that didn’t work for me:

  1. There are references to pillaging, s3xual exploitation, and enslaving which seem to never be atoned for. 
  2. The plot was drawn out and pretty slow for me (and I was watching in 2x speed).
  3. There are also some one-sided ethics/codes between the main characters- which I hate. 
  4. I found it hard to relate to nearly every character 
  5. The repetitive sparring every 2 or 3 episodes gets old. 
  6. A certain prince

This is not the best anime in the world, but it’s not bad either. It had me going for a while, but I eventually dropped it.

I think a lot of people will disagree with me on this, but it’s just average. A solid 5/10.

5/10 story
6/10 animation
6/10 sound
3/10 characters
5/10 overall