Mieruko-chan - Reviews

TheRogueNob's avatar
Dec 20, 2021

well this was a pleasant suprise, honestly was not expecting much from mieruko-chan but when the after the second epsiode i was definetly interested. solid animation good music fun characters and a suprisingly good story create this from left field show. that being said its not scary so dont expect horror and if your not enjoying it by the third epsiode then drop it. im going to do a quick spoiler free review. 

first the animation,  solid animation where there really isnt need for one, alos the ghosts look great not part of the world but just unique enough to be eerie

now the sound is solid as well but nothing special

the characters were for the most part were good and fun to watch despite the annoying tropes that trickled in every now and then.

the story is where it gets good, the end of the first acr was a real suprise and it only gets better the only real negative for the entire show is that i wish it was a bit longer and fleshed out which makes me want a seocnd season 

wrapping it up, itll be a fun divergence from the typicall shounen, or romance shows that most of us watch and leaves me wanting a 2nd season which was unexpceted. for those who read thanks for the read and dont look at the ghosts!

8/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
7/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
Carnufex's avatar
May 24, 2023


The idea seemed really cool at first : a high school girl who can see ghosts and other kinds of monsters, but tries really hard to pretend she cannot, that’s an original take on the matter ! Moreover, Sora Amamiya is voicing the main girl, so I was totally sold.

But it all gets ruined by the fact that the author is a massive perv (I checked, it’s the same in the manga) : this series is a whole slideshow of close-ups of the female characters’ boobs, asses, thighs, lips, etc. And how am I supposed to take a “horror” scene with a big bad ugly monster seriously, when on screen, I’ve got a close-up of the main girl’s ass in pajamas so skin-tight that you see the outline of her panties?

And that notwithstanding, the supposedly frightening scenes are way too long: we get to watch the protagonist’s whole inner dialogue, while she remains frozen like a statue for so long it ends up looking unnatural.


L’idée de base était vraiment chouette : une jeune fille qui peut voir des fantômes et autres monstres, mais fait tout son possible pour les ignorer, voilà une manière originale d’aborder le sujet ! En plus, c’est Sora Amamiya qui fait la voix de la protagoniste, alors j’étais à fond partant.

Mais tout ça est ruiné par le fait que l’auteur est un gros dégueulasse (j’ai vérifié, c’est exactement pareil dans le manga) : cette série est un festival de gros plans sur les nichons, les culs, les cuisses, les lèvres, etc. des personnages féminins. Et comment suis-je censé prendre au sérieux une scène « d’horreur » avec un monstre trop horrible tout plein quand à l’image, j’ai un gros plan sur le cul de la protagoniste dans un pyjama tellement moulant qu’on voit la forme de sa culotte ?

Et indépendamment de ça, les scènes censément effrayantes durent beaucoup trop longtemps : on nous déroule tout le monologue intérieur de la protagoniste, qui pendant ce temps-là reste figée comme une statue pendant si longtemps que ça en perd son naturel.

1/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
4/10 characters
4.8/10 overall
Hana815's avatar
Dec 21, 2021

Started for the horror but stayed for the heartwarming story. Underratted, must watch. 

9.5/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
9.5/10 characters
10/10 overall
Oregairu's avatar
Dec 20, 2021

I had never watched a series like this. Overall, it was enjoyable but the story moves REALLY SLOWLY until near the end when it starts to speed up. If you're looking for a unique horror I'd definitely recommend giving it a try, but if you aren't patient I could see how it would be an easy show to drop. Not sure if I will re-watch it, but I'd definitely watch season 2 if it ever comes out! Lots of unanswered questions! 

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
6/10 overall
Anriiel's avatar
Dec 24, 2021

Honestly a very interesting story.  Once you get beyond episode 5 they finally sense up and drop all that unnecessary fan service they've been shoving down our throats.  The story really becomes a story at around that point too and really becomes compelling.  The ending really left me wanting more and to see how eveything will build up.  The artwork is really solid and I absolutely love looking at the characters and the scenery.  Not to mention the lighting in this anime is just so crisp that it'll stop you form looking away.  The sound design for the ghosts is really eerie when they want it to be as well as funny when viewing lesser ghosts.  Overall the story takes a minute to kick in but when it does it really gets going and is totally worth the watch.  Even the first 5 episodes and their substories are compelling but honestly they feel a little less comfortable to watch in a public setting is all.

7/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall