Asobi Asobase - Reviews

Alt title: Asobi Asobase - workshop of fun -

sargambelwanshi's avatar
Sep 7, 2022



The plot isn’t exactly deep and the characters aren’t the most complex, but that’s not what I look for in a comedy. The comedic aspects are the most important in judging this genre and this show blows it out of the water. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve laughed my ass off watching this, which isn’t a easy feat considering how critical and cynical I’ve become watching anime over the years.

The story is a surrealistic, slice of life comedy series centering around 3 high school girls where they hang out and play different activities, hence their club named the Past-timers club. What’s most important in this show is our MC trio- Hanako, Oliva & Katsumi. It’s here where we see them in all these different, surrealistic situations and see how they deal with it in a light hearted, comedic way.

The comedy timing, goofy facial expressions and dialogue are amazing and well executed. It never feels like the show is repeating the same joke at times like Grand Blue (which is one of the few flaws I have with that series).

The characters are fun, likeable, diverse, have interesting little traits and gags that the writer plays on at times, but never gets boring. I love all three girls equally and the chemistry they have together. Some of side characters I like are the student president, Hanako’s butler and Olivia’s otaku brother.

The opening is amazing. The visuals and the lighthearted, fun soundtrack capture well what this series is supposed to be about. The osts are really great and I like the rock ending with the sketchy visuals too

The animation is good for the most part. I don’t really have anything else to say about it xD

In terms of enjoyment, I would rate this as 10/10 comedy gold.
Asobi Asobase is one of those anime I would recommend to anyone who just wants to relax and have a good laugh. In terms of comedy alone, Asobi Asobase isn’t just the best comedy anime this season, but overall one of the best I’ve seen in anime.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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subtleamberlights's avatar
Sep 24, 2018

I thought this anime was hilarious and I'm sad to see it go!

9/10 story
9/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
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sam64's avatar
Mar 3, 2019

I laughed more watching this than I did in a long time.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Alexblablabla's avatar
Dec 14, 2021

definitely will rewatch . This anime is soo funny 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Archert's avatar
Mar 31, 2020

Un gran anime de comedia que nos entretendrá en todo momento.

En su genero este anime se ha coronado, quizas hasta podamos decir que llega a rozar a animes como "Nichijou"...Sus personajes, expresiones y diferentes situaciones lograran sacarte una risa en cada capitulo y no todo anime de comedia puede presumir de ello.

Si tuviera que poner alguna pega esque no todos los scketches son igual de entrenidos, muchos son realmente divertidos pero hay alguno que otro que resulta aburrido.

Sin duda un gran acierto para el género de Comedia, me encantaría ver más de esto.

(La nota general aumenta debido a su entretenimiento)

7.9/10 story
8.4/10 animation
8/10 sound
9.5/10 characters
8.8/10 overall
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