Asobi Asobase - Reviews

Alt title: Asobi Asobase - workshop of fun -

Howliing's avatar
Jan 27, 2024

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖  >>>  This show is outrageous and hilarious, Multiple times I found myself having to pause to recuperate myself after dying from the crazy obnoxious screaming and over the top facial expressions.

"Asobi Asobase" Workshop of Fun is not your slife of life girl's doing cute things anime despite what cover picture and opening shows. Anyone watching would realize quickly after the first episode, no just a few minutes into the first episode.

Props to the voice actors for bringing the characters alive on screen. "Asobi Asobase" wouldn't be the same without them.

?/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Hodenbezi's avatar
Sep 26, 2023

Best anime outro I have ever heard!

?/10 story
?/10 animation
10/10 sound
?/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Carnufex's avatar
Aug 6, 2023


Don’t let yourself be fooled by the opening credits: this is not a wholesome yuri about three middle-schoolers. It’s paradise for absurd humor lovers. Everything is over-the-top crazy, from the fight (almost) to death with another club for the right to use their room, up til the ending credits mixing black metal with dubious lyrics, including the post-ending scenes with socks and the occult club who makes voodoo dolls to heal its members.

Between the otherworldly stories and the super expressive animation, I spent 5h30 of pure bliss, often ending up folded in half on my desk, laughing and losing my breath.


Ne vous laissez pas abuser par le générique de début : ce n’est pas un yuri tout choupinou entre trois collégiennes. C’est le paradis des amateurs d’humour absurde. Tout est complètement déjanté, depuis la lutte à mort (ou presque) avec un autre club pour le droit d’utiliser leur salle, jusqu’au générique de fin mêlant black metal et paroles douteuses, en passant par les scènes post-générique à base de chaussettes et le club de l’occulte qui fait des poupées vaudous pour soigner ses membres.

Entre les histoires complètement délirantes et l’animation extrêmement expressive, j’ai passé 5h30 de pur bonheur, à régulièrement finir plié en deux de rire sur mon bureau, peinant à respirer.

10/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
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SniffleSniff's avatar
Jul 6, 2023

This was the anime that made me laugh every episode just like the way of the househusband did. The animation was cool and the faces the girls made were absolutely hilarious. The voice actors all did amazing job, especially Hanako's VA (the screams were perfection) as for the ending song... I can't get enough of it. As a metlhead I approve of this 100% combined with the's just a great viewing experience. Maybe a little bit of fanservice(??) was there but it didn't matter to me because the jokes following it were always good.

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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ReviewBonfire's avatar
Jan 7, 2021

Asobi Asobase

"Bizarre" describes this title quite aptly. The plot is about the 3 girls who want to start a party people circle together. Their entire dayli life is completely twisted and disturbing.

The mangaka clearly used the power of nonsensical humor. The jokes are often stupid, flat or just crazy. However, this gets all the crazier, but the exaggerated representation of the scenes and their faces.

The joke was there. However, the level hardly rose. In other words, there were one or two good gags. In the overall package, most of the episodes ended up rather empty.

For my part, I like this wacky and stupid kind of humor. This type just offers a pleasant change. But the episodes clearly lacked creativity. There were really jokes with the "WTF" effect. But only to a limited extent.


Basically everything represented. Except for the part with drama. The exaggerated drama in the series was actually just another aspect of the "comedy" part. Therefore, this is one and the same.


There is none. It is just a comedy flick that focuses on disjointed school days.

Animation / pictures:

Interesting style of animation. The characters' faces were strangely flat, but was that part of the ... drawing style?

In any case, the colorful animation and the visual representation were a big plus.


The characters are in line with the concept, very bizarre. A shy girl, an extremely excited and the "normal blonde" with a slightly spicy smell. There was nothing worth mentioning in the area.


Intro extremely misleading, unless you inquired beforehand what the work is about. Pretty good trap, I like it. Musically in the norm. Besides that, Outro as well as Osts was satisfactory.


An amusing comedy title for in between, with an enormous hint of bizarre humor. However, some episodes are enormously weaker than others. The quality of the jokes also fluctuates enormously. Still worth seeing.

1/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
4/10 characters
4/10 overall