Asobi Asobase - Reviews

Alt title: Asobi Asobase - workshop of fun -

zapannda's avatar
Apr 20, 2022

So before telling how it was, let me tell a story.

I got my food. Sat on my chair. And played episode 1. Five times. Five total times I spilled my food over cause I was laughing too hard.

And the rest of the episodes were extreme like this as well.

Excellent anime if you are looking for a laugh. But make sure you are old enough, cause a lot of jokes are a bit mature.

Story(?/10): Doesn't exist.

Art & Animation(9/10): As for art, the character design is quite simple, but the characters' reactions are over the top. As for animation, quite over average. Can't say the animation is one of the best. But it's certainly very good. 5/5 to art and 4/5 to animation.

Sound(9/10): The OP is very relaxing and doesn't go with the anime at all… Well, that's a fun part indeed.

The ED is truly too good for me to handle. I first listened to it without lyrics, and my god… the vibe is real. And then I listened to it with lyrics and… my stomach hurts… it's too funny.

Voice acting done very well. Zero complaints.

The background musics or the sound effects did their part as well to make this anime as fun as possible.

Characters(8/10): Each and every one of them are eccentric in their own way. I love them :)

Enjoyment(10/10): It'll be one of my favorite comedy for sure.

Overall(9/10): Highly recommended anime. Dirty jokes exists, so be careful. :)

?/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
8/10 characters
9/10 overall
iforinsignificant's avatar
May 11, 2021

This show was really funny for the first three episodes but the fourth one just went off the rails. We kind of got back on track in the fifth with one gag that had me busting my gut with laughter but from then on there was a huge dip in the comedy.

Most of the time it seemed like the characters, especially Hanako, would just scream at the top of their lungs and that was supposed to be funny? I didn't feel that way but the facial expressions were very entertaining throughout. The main characters were beyond stupid most of the time and didn't really feel all that different from one another on the whole. The supporting cast was varied and mostly pretty interesting though but none of the characters were all that relatable or had me invested in them. The plot was absent mostly so no way anyone could get invested in that but I liked that the things which happened in earlier episodes were acknowledged in later ones at least.

Overall, it was a hit and miss show with some really funny moments and some not so much. Would recommend but keep expectations low.

4/10 story
8/10 animation
6/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
Aniosophy's avatar
Nov 5, 2020

I don’t really know what to say, this is easily one of the funniest anime I have ever seen, when people say this show is like Nichijou but without limits, they are serious. What makes this series so funny is the constant changing of tones, one moment this will be an innocent story about teenage girls finding their way through life, and the next it will be a vulgar example of dirty humor, really nothing is off-limits for this show, and I love that so much. Plus, the complete range of animation styles implemented in this show really just had me rolling on the floor anytime they would do one of their classic extreme close-ups.

There is just so much I love about this series, I love how the OP makes it appear that this series is some cuties slice of life anime, only for it to be completely juxtaposed against the ED, which is some of the darkest heavy metal I think I have ever heard in an anime. I love how this obviously cutesy show has absolutely no problem with cursing up a storm like a fucking sailor, which acts as nice reminder that the appearance of this series is just a facade, and really it knows that everyone who's watching this is enjoying this type of shit. And I really love the dynamic between our three main characters, just the way they continuously bounce off each other, knowing exactly what buttons to press to make a problem so much worse, and to do it on purpose just to fuck with each other, is the kind of humor I live for.

Throughout its entire run, it never feels stale, this series is a collection of about 45 odd shorts, and not a single one feels unoriginal or not funny, yes there are some that are funnier than others, but there wasn’t a single one that I didn’t find at least partially hilarious. Really, if you are looking for a good time with some good laughs you couldn’t do better than watching this series. Personally, I’m going to rate this a 90/100 because it really was one of the funniest anime I have ever seen, and the only reason I didn’t give it a 100/100 is because there isn’t really a conclusive ending, but honestly is that even important in a show like this? I guess I will just leave that is up to you.

P.S. Also, one of the absolute best parts of this series is the crazy out of context screenshots you will get just from watching it, I had an entire folder full of them by the end of the series, however I'll just post my favorite two here to give you a little taste😂😂😂


?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
AppleJaM's avatar
Apr 6, 2021

Asobi Asobase is f*cking funny, I almost throw up at how much I was laughing, but there are some like WTF am I watching moment. Like just made me think why, and some made me feel wrong but overall it was a good anime for those who like a slightly creepy, dark humor.

7/10 story
8/10 animation
10/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 6, 2024

"Asobi Asobase" is a comedic gem that takes the slice-of-life genre and flips it on its head with its absurd humor, unexpected dark comedy, and the chaotic energy of its main trio: Olivia, Kasumi, and Hanako. This anime thrives on the unexpected, turning what appears to be a typical school life anime into a series of increasingly bizarre and hilarious situations. "Asobi Asobase" is an exploration of the ridiculous, showcasing that the mundane can indeed be the setting for some of the most outlandish comedic moments.

Highlights of Hilarity:

  • Comedic Timing and Delivery: The show's humor is its strongest suit, with impeccable timing that catches viewers off guard and delivers laugh-out-loud moments consistently. The facial expressions alone are a masterclass in comedy, often juxtaposing the girls' cute appearances with grotesque and exaggerated reactions that perfectly capture the absurdity of each situation.
  • Dynamic Trio: The chemistry between Olivia, Kasumi, and Hanako is central to the show's charm. Their personalities clash in the best possible way, creating a perfect storm for comedy. Olivia's faux foreigner act, Kasumi's quiet intensity around her BL obsession, and Hanako's blissful ignorance and energy drive the series' most memorable antics.
  • Unexpected Twists: "Asobi Asobase" excels in subverting expectations. What starts as a simple game or conversation spirals into madness, showcasing the series' knack for taking everyday school life and turning it into something wildly entertaining.

Room for Improvement:

  • Not for Everyone: The show's humor can be divisive. Its reliance on absurdity and facial expressions might not resonate with everyone, especially those looking for a more traditional slice-of-life experience or those who prefer their comedy to be less extreme.
  • Occasional Repetitiveness: While the series thrives on its ability to surprise, certain gags can feel repetitive over time. However, the sheer variety of scenarios generally keeps the comedy feeling fresh and engaging.

Why Dive Into the Madness?

  • A Unique Comedy Experience: "Asobi Asobase" offers a comedic experience unlike any other in the anime landscape. It's a breath of fresh air for viewers seeking humor that's willing to push boundaries and explore the absurd.
  • Art and Sound That Complement the Comedy: The art style, with its clean lines and bright colors, contrasts hilariously with the show's dark humor. The voice acting is exceptional, with the cast delivering lines that amplify the comedy and absurdity of each situation.
  • Surprisingly Deep Moments: Amidst the chaos, the show occasionally delves into more heartfelt territory, providing a nice balance to the relentless comedy. These moments, while brief, add a layer of depth to the characters and their friendship.

Overall: "Asobi Asobase" is an uproarious journey through the lives of three girls whose school days are anything but typical. Its strength lies in its ability to consistently surprise and delight viewers with its unique brand of humor. While it might tread familiar ground occasionally, the show never fails to escalate its comedy to new heights, making it a standout series for those in search of a good laugh. For viewers ready to embrace the absurd and dive into a world where no joke is too outrageous, "Asobi Asobase" is an unforgettable and hilariously twisted adventure.

8/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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