Neon1988's avatar


  • Somewhere in Europe
  • Joined Nov 12, 2010
  • 35 / M

Since you have come across my profile, then let me introduce my self. I am about 25 years old, speak english, spanish, french and greek, yet I trully want to learn japanese one day.  I have finished my studies and looking forward to what the future shall bring.

Of course I love anime, who doesn't? (Well, I know a few who don't, but who cares) I've been watching them since a very young age - though I could hardly tell the difference back then between an american cartoon and a japanese one. Unfortunately, in most of Europe's countries, the classic anime of the 80s and early 90s ceaced to be transmitted, due to "extreme violence". Anyhow...

The adorable feeling of discovering a new anime - either film or series - always recurs as long as the anime is good. I care not if it's old or brand-new, in english or japanese, as far as the basic standards are met. I enjoy the comedies, yet I strongly prefer watching something a bit more deep, with a nice story outline and characters that resemble with their attitudes a more realistic approach.

Personal favorites, I'd consider Death Note, Higurashi, Shinsekai yori, Clannad and the first part of Robotech (Macross saga). (The signature I created represents many of my all time favorites!)

Also, any suggestions are welcomed and appreciated.

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Anime ratings

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480 total

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HiroRyusaki Oct 18, 2011

AT LONG LAST IT IS HERE!!! My 4th AMV in 720p!!! If you don't watch in 720p, you don't have a soul.

HiroRyusaki Oct 14, 2011

Yo, I have decided to do NaNoWriMo next month after a few friends from Japanese Class dragged me into it.

Want to try it? You might fail, but who cares.

Also, you like my new avatar? (The Katakana states: "Nisu Bo-to")


HiroRyusaki Sep 23, 2011

Thanks, I've simply added stuff to my profile over the course of my time here. I had the same argument with Sheex. Series should be recommended on a relative subjective categorization and as opinions, they should all be community reviews as they are all biased due to the subject matter. Its not the review of a Car, or restaurant, or a medication. Its the review of something extremely interpretational and subjective. For example I love School Days for its Dark interior and psuedo-cutesy exterior in which they expressed many deep themes: realism, psychology, morality, etc. I loved rewatching it with friends as it is packe with hints and foreshadowing of the ending that no one sees coming. So much is within those 12 little episodes, so much that people ignore and destitute. Personally, despite C being a misperceived as a pokemon cliche, I believe it was very original and was a creative implementation of battle, drama, intellectualism, philosophy, economics, with HUGE reference to how fucked up our Global Economy is and how each person who moves up and gets all the wealth fucks everyone below them over with many people having lost all their hopes and dreams, it is a beautiful display and expression of those ideals and fallacies of this world. I suppose it is not something much of the audience will catch and notice in watching the show, but it has incredible motifs not seen or referenced in a lot of series. It is not a simple or cliche expression, it is a dynamic and intensely intertwined in the heart of the show. There is no true villain but ourselves, it is not so much the greed of ourselves being discussed but the greed of our culture and way of life. Man will trade his future, his very tomorrow, to exist as he does 'Today'. The oil crisis, automobile dependency, pollution, it is all referenced in C. I would keep going, but I have decided that I will start writing reviews for this Site and my first one will be 'C'. What do you think of my ideas? Should I start writing Reviews?

HiroRyusaki Sep 20, 2011

I agree about your response to the unfair review of C: Money of Soul and Possibility Control. So what's up?


ali3n Aug 7, 2011

Hi, about the Beast Wars II - episodes were aired in TV in my country long time ago, I remember watching them as kid, so I'm not sure if you can find them subbed anywhere, sorry =/ I've found an unseeded torrent on, maybe you could try downloading it - someone may seed it soon. Anyway, good luck and have fun watching! ^^