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kanekistoenail Apr 7, 2021


RedVelevetKake Nov 11, 2020

ok,thx, i'll try one of them:)

xyst Jun 1, 2020

Don't worry, you are not at all late on your reply.

Ozai is the basically impossible to like, since he is the main antagonist with absoulutel no redeemable traits other than he was a cute baby (as shown in a later episode)

I think one of the major reasons I favour Zuko so much is because I absoulutely adore character developement, or better yet, redemption arcs.  Thats why a majority of characters that Ilike start off as jerks/is still a jerk.  Because there is nothing better than a character with complex growth. Such examples include: Zuko (Avater) , M-21 (Noblesse) , Bakugou (BNHA, yes, i promise you there is development), Arlo (UnOrdinary) and Jisuk (Eleceed) :3 Maybe also 

OkayOkay, I .. like Azula.  See, she may be an undeniablly psycho crazy b*tch BUUT she was my favourite psycho crazy b*tch.  I especially loved her scene when she stares into the mirror, starts hallucinating about how she will never be good enough in the eyes of her mother and than cuts her hair.  I do liker her alot for some reasons that is unknown to even myself

By photography girl, do you mean the girl at the start of the series who is in high school.?  I also do ship them alot, especially since she had stuck with him even when he was running from the police and that they met a the end, I would've liked to see if their relationship would ever progress.  I did say I ship them but they should only start even thinking of eachother in any romanctic way, after the girl becomes a legal adult because I stan relationships where both parties can make mature desicions and legally give consent -3-

Studio Ghibi has created many amazing movies.  It would either be Spirited away or Grave of Firelies.  Spirited Away was so unique, nostalgic and the food was awesome.  Grave of fireflies, made me cry uncontrollably and the characters are now deeply rooted in my heart.  The saddest thing is that Grave of Fireflies was inspired by a real experience, it pains me even thinking that probably thousands of children have had to go through such a traumatic event like this one.  

I see you have watched Silent Voice, your thoughts on that?  Also, which anime/manga has made you cried the most?

xyst May 29, 2020

i actually don't remember that scene because, like you, I also haven't watched avater for quite some time.  My favourite would be when Aang, Zuko and others go to watch the fire nation's play about them.  It was just hilarious.  Speaking of Azula from your comment, what are your thoughts on her?  Iroh is impossible to hate, I also really like his funny and carefree attitude during the series. 

My favourite character is Zuko, Toph and Suki (I am unsure if that is her correct name, but its Souka's warrior girlfriend).  

Yes, I have finished Erased and I loved it so much.  Regarding the ending, I have mixed emotions.  I, much like most in the fandom, wanted the MC to end up with the main girl who was murdered at first (i forgot all their names).  My ship sunk painfully, as they will always be my OTP.  On the other hand, it was quite a realistic ending, the main girl didn't know what teh MC did for her and it would be unfair for her to wait for him, they were like 11 (?) back then, and now he was in a coma for a long time.  It is only natural she moves on with her life.  As for the guy she ends up with, I don't bear any hate towards him nor do I think he is a "mr steal yo girl" since the MC's intentions were never to fall inlove with her nor was she ever 'his'. It does suck though :"<. whats your thoughts on that?

xyst May 28, 2020

Nice! I also like Yandere to a certain extent but my favourite troupe will forever be Tsundere.  Do you like this trope?  I almost feel bad for him since many fans, including myself, and the show as well always makes fun of his lost honoue.  What was your favourite scene/episode on Avater?  

Also, who is your least favourite character from Avater/?