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nathandouglasdavis Oct 17, 2023

Alright, whatever. I genuinely don't care if you disagree with my scores (or my critiques...which you didn't even read), but please don't write another comment saying the same thing three months from now.

nathandouglasdavis Oct 16, 2023

Also, if my comment was too long for you to read, did you even read my review? Or are you purely just looking at the scores? The scores on a review are wa~ay less important than the words within the review--the analysis, the thoughts, the observations, the opinions.

nathandouglasdavis Oct 16, 2023

That's fine. I'll condense my thoughts to something shorter:

A few months ago, you had already written a comment saying basically the same thing as your latest comment on that review. Should I expect you to continue writing similar comments every two or three months until the end of time just because you don't like my opinions?

nathandouglasdavis Oct 15, 2023

[In response to your comment on my Villain to Kill review]:

LisciaElfrieden, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to write two comments a few months apart saying essentially the same thing, but here we are. Your first comment was much more reasonable and fair--you said things like "10/10 for me" and "try it out for themselves" which seemed to indicate that you were aware that enjoyment of a manhwa was largely subjective and could be different for different people--and as such, I didn't feel any need to defend my position or even react in any way. Your comment was expressing a perfectly valid position and it didn't feel like you were looking for a response from me anyway, so I didn't give one. 

But I can't say the same thing about your second (entirely unnecessary and redundant) comment. In that one, you say: "bad review." And suddenly, I feel like I do have to defend myself. Because now you're not just expressing a valid difference of opinion, but rather attacking the quality of my review itself. And perhaps this isn't the best review. It might not be. Perhaps I wasn't as articulate as I could've been in expressing my experience of reading this manhwa. Or perhaps my analysis is outdated because it's based on all the chapters that had been released back in April of 2021, but that's already over two years ago at this point. So this very well could be a bad review by various fair standards, but I have an inkling that you're not actually trying to critique the quality of my review itself and are instead critiquing my opinions. And if that's the case, then I think you should've been more precise and honest in your word choice, saying something like "I think this person's subjective opinions are bad because they don't conform to my subjective opinions" instead of saying "bad review," because I'm pretty sure that's what you actually mean.