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  • Joined Aug 18, 2013
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0Venn0 Dec 30, 2019

Hello~ Merry Christmas too and I hope you have a happy New Year! Sorry for the late reply ^-^

I'm thinking of making a half-assed New Year's resolution to watch some of One Piece, as your reccomendation of it has covinvinced me that it will be worth my while~ I'm not too good at watching anime's with many episodes though, so we'll see how far I'll get, lol. 

My favourite genres? I do like dark, Sci-fis, along with thriller type animes, similar to you, but I also love comidies and have somehow watched too many romances, even though I'm not too big a fan on the genre. However, I still regard myself as a sort of novice in the anime community, as I feel that I have not seen too many of the classics nor big-hitting shows. Heyho, I still have the rest of my life to accomplish these goals (and maybe finish One Piece, if it ever stops~)

What shows are you excited for in the upcoming year? I read a few new anime's mangas and am pleased to say that some good shows are to come~ Ciao!

WhiteIce24 Dec 30, 2019

Good recommendations, but I already watched these too! Plz master of Anime give me some masterpiece to watch! (  ̄▽ ̄)

(some psychologic anime like Gantz and Alice are welcome too!) 

WhiteIce24 Dec 30, 2019

One Outs is a Master Piece, like Akagi and Kaiji, do u have some recommendation for me? I want something like theses I quoted

PhantomX1 Dec 30, 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years'

Since the next season of Drifters won't come out for maybe a couple of years, I'm not going to anticipate it. I don't follow news articles about updates on anime. The only time I ever done that was when I looked into Bleach manga drawing to an end. So if it does come out I won't be surprised or aware until I see as a suggestion or something of the familiar.

I had murasaki as a background to my homepage header. It was him sitting by his table in the white lighted hallway with doors open to the left and right. I don't remember if it had him to as a profile pic.

I think it's safe to say that the man and woman in the hallway are no ordinary people in a high advanced society playing war with history rather it's a sci fi world depicting light vs dark and they show how the force of light fights the dark. Indeed there is this allusion.

Thanks for the note about Hellsing. I do intend to watch it. The revised hell sing ultimate is better than the original hell sing?

0Venn0 Dec 20, 2019

It's good to see that you have your own mind and don't go along with pack mentality! I've seen many shows that, personally, are over-hyped and I think are mediocre, lol.

I just finished episode 5 of the new Psycho-Pass, and boy, things are getting interesting~ I also decided to binge that, partially out of laziness as I've struggled this season to keep up with all the new shows! I nabbed the Great Passage off of your list, lol, as I thought it looked interesting. It's an easy slice-of-life to watch that calms the soul~

What would be your all time favourite anime? I can see that you've watched an astonishingly amount, but what is your personal favourite? Mine, as you can guess from my header, is the Monogatari series~