Gabanime's avatar


  • Joined Feb 24, 2015
  • 27 / F

Hey, guys! ^_^ I don't mean to sound like a weeaboo, But I FLIPPING LOVE ANIME. I can't even watch normal TV or listen to normal music anymore... -_-; Eheheh. It's an addiction. ;)

So, uh, do people even want to know what I look like??? I don't know, but I'm blonde, pretty short, and have blue-green eyes...

I'm introverted in real life, but not when I'm online. XD I love making new friends. :D

I'm a certified music addict. *o* I can't NOT listen to music 24/7. I mostly listen to anime music, but I also love hard rock/heavy metal.~

But anyway, my absolute favorites are Fairy Tail, Hetalia, Kuroko no Basket, Death Note, and Free! <3 I also love Pokemon, but mostly the games. XD

I like both shounen and shoujo, but I'm more fond of shounen. I love comedy, fantasy, action, magic, adventure, drama, and romance!!!

Feel free to look through the list of anime that I've seen or give me suggestions on what to watch! You can talk to me about anything you wish. ^_^ I'll talk about anything, so hit me up.~ I don't bite!

Life on anime

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Anime ratings

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  • 0.5

72 total

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JadedDragos Jan 26, 2018

-peeks around and waves-

Sianeka Aug 1, 2017

Are you on break from college life for the summer?  Or are you taking summer classes as well?

I hope you are doing ok, and not too busy to take some time to enjoy yourself sometimes!

Sianeka May 13, 2017

Gabanime says...  Hey Sia! :3 It's been a while, huh? XD  College has been beating me up. :( But that's no excuse!!!! I thought I should check on my pals on here since I'm such a bad, neglectful friend! T^T

You are a GREAT friend to have, and you have made me soooo happy considering me one of your friends back! Thank you for taking the time to check in here at a-p and for checking in on me! Am sorry to hear college life is taking such a toll, but it -is- an important step to your future, neh?


(Although, I'll be the first to admit, college education is useful where you least expect it, and where you THINK it will be important, it rarely is!)


Gabanime says... How has life been?! What have you been up to?


I'm fine! I've been quite busy, most of my time is preoccupied with WECO stuff and/or a-p stuff (I've been trying to help sothis out with some site projects!) but RL endeavors have also been taking up precious time and energy too.  There's just NEVER enough time to go around, and I always end up having to budget and specially allocate time slots to do anything special I want to do (like watch anime!) lol

Gabanime says... My crazy update is that my favorite anime is now Hunter x Hunter and not Fairy Tail! XD  I hope we can talk again soon!! ^^


Which reminds me that I need to watch someb more HxH.  I watched the original, then started the 2011 version, but have only gotten 4 vepisodes in... and it's been a while since I watched.  It's still on my To Do list, but I never get around to it.  Time to re-prioritize!


Still like Fairy Tail but have been watching it with a friend who only watches dubbed anime and we ran out of dubbed episodes... waiting for a new installment...

Gabanime says... P.S. --- Yes, my header picture is very lonely. XD I just thought it should, you know, represent me as a person! Lol! But also, I just find it to be very pretty. <3


I could make some comment about our insignificance in the vastness of the universe, but that is a bit too obvious and cliche with a picture like this one... it -is- a pretty pic, but I don't think it really represents you as a person, unless you are imagining all those stars orbiting the person as your friends who are gravitating towards you...


Talk to you next time!  


PS  I finally started Sket Dance, which I told masquerade I'd watch ages and ages ago, and I'm only now getting the chance to start watching. lol

masquerade817 Dec 13, 2016

Hey Princess Dingle! :D