Sexy Cool Voice

Vol: 1; Ch: 3
3.477 out of 5 from 47 votes
Rank #30,321
Sexy Cool Voice

Taku had always dreamed of being an actor, so when he passed the college exam for his dream school, it was no question that he would join the Drama Club. Being the pretty face he is, Taku easily fits into the club, though being a freshman is quite tough - especially with the outstanding upperclassmen supporting the club. One upperclassman stood out from the rest: Satoshi Kurata, a talented, passionate actor with a manly voice. Taku has been told by the members of the drama club that Satoshi is untouchable. In short, they're worlds apart. But what the members of the club didn't know was Taku is in a relationship with Satoshi himself. That said, Taku always ends up second-guessing their relationship most of the time, as he isn't sure if Satoshi really loves him or just lusts after his body. Well, he's about to find out.

Source: futekiya

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