Reverend Insanity - Reviews

Alt titles: Gu Zhenren, Master of Gu

Reverend Insanity
Soul72's avatar
May 6, 2022

Pretty sad about this manhwa being cancelled. I had hoped for it to make a comeback since is an amazing story and the villain concept it uses is something i haven't found almost anywhere. Even so is still enjoyable.

8/10 story
7/10 art
9.5/10 characters
8.5/10 overall
ferengi4's avatar
Apr 13, 2019


The story is very very very generic. If you have read these kinda manhua's before you know the story. Character reincarnates to past self with OP power/skills/knowledge and then every chapter or every other chapter is just a "Person A doesn't like MC so they must die and because Person A is dead, Person B must take revenge for Person A". Really predictable and doesn't add anything new to the already over used concept. If you like these kinda brain less poorly translated stories then you might like this one. I really only read these to kill time. 


Fair? I have seen far worst manhua's but I've also seen far better. It's not very offense but it also doesn't stand out. It's very mundane and feels cheap. I always wonder if these manhua's are all just made by the same guy because they all have similar cheap art that all look the same. 


Bland and generic, I think there was a few semi-interesting plots and stories but weren't done very good. I think if someone with actual story writing skills made this instead it would be a great read. A shame it's bland. 


If you haven't gotten sick of the other 500 copies of this type of story then it's an okay read. A decent time killer but not worth a read if you're looking for something good. 

2/10 story
2/10 art
2.5/10 characters
2/10 overall
Manthika's avatar
Nov 6, 2019

Surprisingly refreshing for a cliche cultivation/time travl manhua, the main character is irredemably and unrepentantly evil.  A psychopath with no regards for human life.  What is that?  If you get in his way, you're dead, he doesn't care.

While it is cliche, I enjoied it a lot myself and would recommend it to cultivation fans

7/10 story
6/10 art
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
Zero133's avatar
Nov 16, 2020

the mc is the blueprint for an Evil mc. he doesn't care about anyone and only focus on his goal.

btw you should the novel. + my list for evil mcs

10/10 story
7/10 art
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
wax321's avatar
Oct 15, 2021

This is grate but it got banned because of gore stuff 

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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