Anime Lottery Game: Fall 2021

Finished shikizakura and unsurprisingly between the day I caught up and now watching the finale episode, I couldn't remember what was the story even about again. I started and pretty much could connect the dots since this plot is so repetitive..boy meets about to sacrifice herself girl for the greater good...and I will probably forget about ever watching it.
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Hee finished my second pick
" Banished from the hero's party I decided to live a quiet life in the country side"
Finished Tesla Note and boy do I want my time back. One of the few shows that I could not stand the animation. Well, I got what I signed up for. Pure pain
Finally finished my second Lottery pick - Shikizakura. Not much to say about this forgettable POS in that this show was a complete chore to watch - bad and confusing plot, uninteresting characters, obsessively annoying antagonist, and the animation was pretty cheesy. At least the OP was pretty catchy, but that's the only positive thing I have to say about this show. I gave it a 2/5.
I finished my shows yesterday; Deep Insanity, Tesla Note, and Irina.

Irina had an interesting plot but had boring characters and the dumb letter change of USSR to UZSR. I would give this a 2.5/5.

Tesla Note was just ugly to look at and I don't normally factor in art style into my watching experience. I would give this a 1/5.

Deep Insanity had the best plot out of the 3 to me but the execution was bad with boring characters. I would this give a 3/5.
I watched 2 anime:

Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut which I rated 2.5/5 stars. I was never really looking forward to watching it. I’m not a huge fan of vampire anime and the concept of this one just didn’t align with my interests. The animation wasn’t bad and I liked the OP though.

Banished From the Hero’s Party, I Decided to Live a Quiet Life in the Countryside which I rated 3.5/5 stars. I usually like adventure anime, but I did not really get into this one.