Yuri!!! on Ice - Reviews

ChaosHolder's avatar
Jun 9, 2023

I really enjoyed this anime. I consume all kinds of entertainment and although they all stimulate me in some fashion or another, not many forms of entertainment elicit the excitement that “Yuri!!! on Ice” did for me. The differing and dynamic relationships between all the characters created an interesting and intriguing story that made me care about the people and story being told. I don’t often build such strong relationships with so many characters in one title – especially in one short season. All these elements, and more, brough me on a rollercoaster ride of love, desire, passion, obsession, sexuality, beauty, competition, vulnerability, music and more. I have wrestled in my head on a proper rating here. The reason why I am SURE I would rate “Yuri!!! on Ice” with a max rating is primarily based on the opening. “It's the cherry on the cake.” I will literally watch the opening of “Yuri!!! on Ice” countless times… It’s good! Watch it! Good day to you.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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Syn4Taegan's avatar
Mar 3, 2020

I watched the first episode and knew I would love the wierdness and the skill it is the perfect balance. I watcehd the rest of the anime the next day and made sure to keep my friends updated even thought they were most likely asleep. I knew it would annoy them but I just had to because I loved it so much and wanted them to know too.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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pachitam's avatar
Jul 27, 2017

So my overall rating is 9/10, but I'm giving the show 5 stars. Yes, it doesn't add up but I don't care. This series fulfilled all of my expectations.

Pretty animation? Yes!

Wonderful characters? I mean, Victor....*swoon*. Yuri...adorable! Yes!

Great voice acting? Great job by Toshiyuki Toyonaga. The guy needs to be given more main roles. Suwabe, as always, is fabulous as Victor. Yes!

Kept clicking on the next episode to see what happens next? Yes!

Fabulous opening, ending themes and overall music? Yes, Yes and Yes.

Went into a withdrawal after watching the last show? Yes. Arghhhh.

Read comments and reviews after watching each episode? Yes

And never before, I actually watched reaction videos to share the thrill and joy of watching one of the key episodes. 

This anime was just, oh my God. Made me laugh, made me jump and yell, made me cry. And for almost every episode, I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time, and bouts of internal screaming. Ahhh, Yuri on Ice, you have made me really happy. Sigh. Can't wait for Season 2!

8/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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SebastianWheresMyTea's avatar
Sep 24, 2020

Yuri on Ice has completely changed my life. It's by far one of my favourite anime, only topped by Death Note. For the majority of my life, I didn't really have a hobby until I saw this anime. I gave it a go and immediately after I finished it (after 6 hours) I decided I'd go to the local ice rink and learn to skate. It's been 4 years since that day, I'm a competitive skater now.

The storyline is amazing, I loved every bit of it. It's one of the two anime that can legitimately bring me to tears, no matter how many times I've seen it. The soundtrack is beautiful, the characters are memorable, it's truly a masterpiece. Every time I rewatch it, I learn a little more about the characters and, now that I'm a skater myself, I can relate to a lot of the struggles they go through on a minor scale.

Yuri Plisetsky has and always will be my favorite character from this anime. He perfectly embodies the emotions of my (permanent) teen emo phase. I love and admire this character so much, his character development is very well done and I relate to a lot of stuff that he goes through. 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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DrakeParker's avatar
May 17, 2021

Although I watch Yaoi and sports animes, when I kept on hearing that this show was great I kept on wondering "How good was it?" 

Then when I was bored after catching up on my shows on a slow day I put it on to try it out, and if I have to be honest I  wasn't that enthralled with it as most people were.

Although the episodes were well animated with great choreography and dialogue the show itself was like and I'm going to sound dumb here but like No. 6 but instead of a dystopian setting it was professional figure skating.

Sure, both Yuri's had a chemistry that one could tell when they first meet in the Hot Spring, it just felt like the show kept on force feeding this relationship to the viewer.

Another thing that ticked me off was how accepting everyone was. It could have been more entertaining if in one episode we meet a commentator who makes derogatory comments on the two's relationship with each other. This would have been more progressive and realistic, although in retrospect I understand why the studio didn't do something like that. 

Now these are just my opinions, I did find the show entertaining to a certain extent but would I recommend it to anyone? It depends on what they're tastes are. 

5.5/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
6.6/10 overall
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