The Millionaire Detective - Balance:Unlimited - Reviews

Alt title: Fugou Keiji - Balance:Unlimited

senkus's avatar
Jan 30, 2021

okay first off, can we talk about what ABSOLUTE BANGERS the opening theme and end credits theme are???  i never skip them!

this show is such a rollercoaster of emotions and i loved every minute of it.  i went into this show thinking it was gonna be like a slow burn buddy cop comedy, but then the tonal shift in the story about halfway through the season made me binge it till the end.

i love this show.  i love haru and daisuke.  episode 4 lives rent free in my head.  also daisuke with his hair down looks like an older kageyama. 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
elmergirl13's avatar
Feb 1, 2021

This isnt really a review but episode 4 18:32 looks like satoru and kenya from erased. They look exactly the same?? Is it just me lol. 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
ketm's avatar
Dec 17, 2021

this was quite boring. characters were flat and the story was messy. the ending twist was good tho. other than that it was below average. 

5/10 story
9.5/10 animation
8/10 sound
4/10 characters
5.5/10 overall
WaggonBallZ's avatar
Jan 18, 2021

wowwwww this surprises me alot :OO the plot twist is just *kiss*. Also very enjoyable. I thought this was just a comedy anime, BUT NO! NO. This is Art. Masterpiece

10/10 story
9/10 animation
9.5/10 sound
9.8/10 characters
10/10 overall
Abscure's avatar
May 6, 2022

The entire show plays out almost exactly like an 80's buddy cop flick. 
"When the millionare detective Dasiuke Kambe meets the ex-elite cop Haru Katou, they just can't seem to get along. Daisuke solves all his problems with money and Haru thinks crimes should be solved the old-fashioned way, with hard work and reliable detective skills. Will Haru and Daisuke be able to put their differences aside and solve the case of The Kambe Family Mystery?"
They even use Jazz music as the main theme whenever something important is happening. It was great music though xD
(I didnt read the synopsis of this show until literally just now and i realized it actually basically says the same thing, except they try to make it less corny and more edgy, but its not edgy)

Minor Spoilers:
As I already said, things play out the way you'd expect.

Daisuke realizes that figuring things out without using money is important because you wont always have money around (and the anime does a poor job of representing that because he still uses money to solve all of his problems the moment he gets his money back.)

Haru realizes that sometimes money can help in situations where he cant figure out what is going on, or how to fix a situation. 

Also the villian is one of the most bland and uninteresting villians i have ever seen. I was so bored whenever he was on screen. His main henchman was more interesting. 

Major Spoilers:
The main villian feels like a copy and paste of Daisuke but without Daisuke's personality. so he just feels like a random rich guy. 

They also make him out to be way more deadly and aggressive than he actualy is in the show. even using dramatic music for his entrance. When he arrives in the room with the glass area and the 2 cops, he kills them with nothing but a butchers knife. I have no idea how he was able to take down 2 people with nothing but a butchers knife. I will admit the pool of blood and 2 corpses he left in his wake was pretty imprresive, but it didnt make any since. 
And the guy being interrogated was trying to make the situation seem worse than it was. It was just some guy with a suit xD.
To be fair he did killl both of them, so the situation was bad, but it was way less epic than they were making it seem, and i refuse to believe that one dude with a butchers knife could have killed both people, while fighting them at the same time. 

 Overall, it was a pretty good show. The characters were interesting enough. The voice acting was good. the dialogue was decent. Although, the plot was basic and the villian was bland. The 2 main characters were by far the best part of the show, and watching them solve crimes together was fun. 

Also, Did anyone else notice the PS5 controller in epsiode 10? xD, it was pretty hard to miss. There was a henchman literally using a fucking PS5 controller to shoot turrets with lazers xD wtf is this show xD

7/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall