Snow White with the Red Hair 2nd Season - Reviews

Alt title: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season

Varagauzer's avatar
Jul 30, 2016

This review covers both season 1 and 2 of this anime.


Snow white with the red hair follows a pretty basic and predictable storyline. It is a slow paced love story which is good because even though it does have a "love at first sight" theme it does take a while for the main characters to show their true feelings towards one another, its done pretty well, the romance doesnt feel forced in any way.

The issue is that there is no high point or anytime you feel like the main characters are in danger even though the girl (shirayuki) gets kidnapped multiple times and its painfully predictable on what's going to happen next.

This anime does have a "happy" feel to it, there is really no climax moments everything just goes in the way of the main characters.


It looks beautiful...really thats all i have to say, the environments look absoutely gorgeous, just a stunning display of vibrant colous.


Not much to say here, its perfect.


This is where we get to the real meat and bones of a romance anime, the main characters are very well fleshed out, but unfortunately, I can't say the same for the other characters. Yes they are given a backstory but it really wasn't enough to connect with them or some of them just feel fabricated just to fit one role alone, however, most of the screen time did focus on the main characters and they were likeable.


Its good, if you're feeling for a slow paced light hearted romance, then go right ahead, I really did enjoy watching this and well hopefully we get a season 3!!

5/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
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Eiraza's avatar
Aug 2, 2018

I didn't know it could get better but it did. Can I just mention the Zen and Shirayuki reunion scene *.* absolutely a scene every romance fanatic needs. I love that even though there is an insinuation of other people being interested in Shirayuki those suckers know who her true love is. Zen <3

Overall a lot of character growth in this series with our lovable strong Shirayuki and dependable determined Zen. Even Raj becomes an enjoyable character with his cute siblings.

I had plenty of giggles and squeals and just a happy heart. The conflict in this series was also really good! I was kind of annoyed by the random conflicts in season one (but not to annoyed because Shirayuki can handle that shiz nit) but this one was consistent and executed really well. But hey you don't need me to tell you whats up, seriously just watch this series. It a must watch for anyone who loves a good romance. 

9.5/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
Zach120's avatar
Sep 8, 2020

I really Enjoyed the first Season but ended up dropping the second almost at the end, it just started to get stale and I didint even care to finish it. 

6/10 story
10/10 animation
8/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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PlatonicSidekick's avatar
Oct 2, 2023

Not as good as the first season, has an overarching plot for the first 9 episodes and a lot of it is all done by things that could be avoided very easily. But again its not trying to be some amazing drama anime, its just there for fluff and romance! Plus my favorite episode from this anime is episode 10 because of the beloved Ot3 being not a love triangle but the poly ship they are!

6/10 story
9/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
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707hairline's avatar
Apr 20, 2023

I am surprised I have never watched season 2, like seriously.. ive been missing out.. This anime is so cute and wholesome, its make me want to cry and remember the fact that I'll never find true love,I reccomend it so much without a doubt.

spoiler alert, I love the fact that Raj literally got character development, It makes me so happy that he didnt.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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