Gamers! - Reviews

WolfAngelus's avatar
Mar 19, 2018

The primary reason to watch this Anime would be for the comedy. It is quite funny all the way through, with a good amount of it relying on misunderstandings and being awkward. At it's core, the story plays out mostly about relationship material. Between the 5 characters involved, it's all over in who is cheating and liking who which makes it crazy at times. There is one part where it gets so crazy, you can't keep track of what's happening. Still, it's really entertaining so long as you aren't hoping for any serious romance aspects, or something that is super logical.

Gaming is oddly enough, not the primary component here. It is more the theme/activity that ties the characters together. That said, I wouldn't recommend this to viewers who are not gamers themselves, as there is a lot of gaming lingo and referencing. As a gamer though, it's amusing to see all the spoofs and in most cases, understanding what real world bit they are referencing.

With it not being a serious Anime, there is no conclusive ending or anything. Everything plays out more like a daily/club life scenario. The romance I would say is on the light end, it never gets overly into it and treats it more like a comedy component. Nothing overly conclusive happens regarding the situation between a few characters, and with how it is left off, there is a possibility that this might go into a 2nd season.

The character portrayal is quite on the stereotypical side, though, there are some differences. They really took the anti-social route, but mixed it up with a few things that would be completely opposite of the standard. It's more fun to see it yourself rather than have it spoiled, since there is so little in the way of surprises as is.

Overall, it's really funny as a comedy with a gaming theme to it that relies on awkwardness and misunderstandings. I wouldn't recommend it to people who aren't gamers, as there are a lot of references and lingo that you would miss out on, and ultimately not get the intended enjoyment. It's not a serious Anime, so it's great to relax to, don't expect anything conclusive or much in the romance department though. 

8/10 story
8/10 animation
9.5/10 sound
8.5/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Uzrfrndly's avatar
Jan 18, 2018

You know that awkward but sort of funny misunderstanding scene that’s in every romantic comedy you’ve ever seen?

This is that, but strung back to back for twelve straight episodes. 

It doesn’t have any real direction. It seems to focus on that awkward misunderstanding drama and the characters don’t really work towards any clear goals, so it doesn’t really have any story.

They start with Tendou trying to get Keita to join her gaming club... then you never see that club or the characters in it again. Well, I think you see her hanging out in the club one or two more times but the only other lines the characters get is asking if she’s ok. I don’t think the club was even necessary, they could’ve done the whole thing without even mentioning it.

This series was actually pretty popular. If you liked it more power to you but I need at least a little bit of a story.

1/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
1/10 characters
2/10 overall
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Alvenath's avatar
Jul 5, 2021

the anime is actually not that bad as the reviews said but it did have a lot of misunderstandings , the mc confessed a bit faster i didn't expect that a lot ,  in other anime's the mc confessed like almost getting to season 2 lol. the animation was good , the sound was also great , i think it's more of a like romance anime then i thought it was like "bottom tier character tomozaki-kun" like it shows you a proper gameplay rather than dating cmiiw , i do enjoy this anime it's fun!

fav character probably tendou and chiaki

*REMINDER* this is just imo

7/10 story
8/10 animation
9/10 sound
9/10 characters
7.8/10 overall
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leobcerne's avatar
Sep 29, 2020

it's kinda funny, but the romance is horrible, and the ending is shit too

3/10 story
5/10 animation
5/10 sound
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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Respectableweeb's avatar
Dec 31, 2022

OH GOOD LORD, this anime, oh boy this anime. It is (in my opinion) trash. Here we see a small boy and popular girl dating, doesn't get more cliche than this folks. The only thing going for this anime is the comedy and even sometimes that is a failure. Im on ep 11 currently and hate it, the characters in this anime are F**KING OBLIVIOUS. Their lack of intelligence is that of a corndog and a corndog's romance is more interesting. They make beetle juice look smart and make you wanna punch a hole through the nearest wall. The reason I put sound at 2 is because the dub speech is like half a second behind the mouth movements (which pisses me off more like no other).

2/10 story
5/10 animation
2/10 sound
2/10 characters
2/10 overall
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