nathandouglasdavis's avatar


  • Joined Feb 23, 2019
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The first half of the story is pretty captivating, if only because the plotline of trying to figure out the identity of the infiltrator is an inherently captivating plotline. But that doesn't mean it's a good plotline. In fact, I would argue that since its entertainment value is entirely dependent on the reader not knowing who the culprit is and doubting everyone (even the supposedly righteous protagonist), then that makes it a failure of a plotline. A good plotline would be one where you knew from the beginning who the culprit was, but the schemes and deceptions were still interesting enough to hold your attention. A good plotline wouldn't rely on plot twists and shifting suspicions to maintain its readers' attention.

The plotline itself involves a lot of locked doors in an abandoned building and barcodes tattooed on the participants' bodies which, with specific rules and limitations, can open those doors. And then people isolate themselves from the rest of the group, for various reasons, and end up getting killed off one by one. I found the various revelations at the end to be stupid. Also, while most of the art is pretty good, the heads and faces aren't drawn very well at all.

5/10 story
4/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
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