Melicans's avatar


  • Canada
  • Joined Jun 1, 2014
  • 35 / M

Athletes partake in Sports activities. This covers the likes of Baseball Players, Soccer Players, Basketball Players, Tennis Players, Track and Fielders, and more!

These characters are children or teenagers who use violence and other forms of intimidation to get their way and establish dominance. They are often Cruel, as well.

Calling these characters drunkards doesn't quite cover it. Whether it's sake, beer or a stiff cocktail, Heavy Drinkers can put more away than any three vikings combined, and can usually be found with a beverage in hand.

Masochistic characters are sexually aroused by pain, verbal abuse or humiliation. As part of this Fetish, they receive pleasure through physical torment and welcome punishment from their "master".

These characters are ordained ministers of a Christian church.

These characters are incarcerated in a prison system, either standard or unconventional. They're watched over by Prison Guards and are under the care of a Prison Warden.

These characters perform sexual favors for money, professionally. They might walk the streets, work at a brothel, or frequent a different establishment. Or, they might be forced into prostitution against their will.

These characters are racists to the extreme. They generally want nothing to do with other races, and may openly advocate for discrimination, or engage in discriminatory behavior. Some of the most extreme cases are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that their race is superior.

These particularly twisted individuals enjoy inflecting pain and suffering on others.

In Yaoi anime and manga, the Seme is the dominant partner in a relationship between two men.

These characters tend to be weak, or chronically ill, and can often be seen in the hospital.

These characters smoke cigarettes, pipes, or other items.

These characters have one or more tattoos somewhere on their body. Not to be confused with Face Markings.

In Yaoi anime and manga, the Uke is the submissive partner in a relationship between two men.

These characters are zombies, skeletons, or some other form of creature that has died, but has come back to life.