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Megalo Box

Mar 23, 2019

Man I don’t want to be that guy, but you know, I didn’t think this show was that great, I mean okay let’s start with the positive 1.) when it comes to the finale it is easily the best episode of the entire show, everything about this episode I really enjoyed especially the fact that they did say who won the fight and not just cut it like I was afraid they were about to do. 2.) the OST and the sound design of this show was by far the best feature PERIOD like sure there are other nice qualities to this show like the art design, but really what I think shined the most is the music for the series and above all else that is what I am going to remember from this show.

But you know other than those two things there wasn’t a lot about this anime that I liked, rather there was just a lot of shit that was just annoying for me to watch. Like most of the subplots range from being completely pointless to mostly pointless, or the differently blackmailing parts of the anime that ultimately build no tension because you know how this story has to end, or when they try to give characters backstory but don’t give it enough time on said backstories for me to care about them because they obviously have to focus on the fight at some point. Leading a lot of these elements to really be just distractions from the most interesting part of this series, so they probably should have just cut all of that altogether and just focuses 100% on the fights.

Basically what I am saying is, anytime Joe was not in the ring I did not like this anime. Don’t get me wrong, when Joe is in the ring this show is honestly very enjoyable to watch, but Joe isn’t in the ring all the time, in fact, for a large chunk of this show, he is not in the ring at all. So anytime he’s not in the ring I am just annoyed that he’s not in the ring. I mean get it, this show is meant to be more about the journey than the destination, and I had this same problem with “Michiko & Hatchin”. But really almost this entire show was just focused on the destination, and the fact they kept on drawing it out kind of pissed me off. Not to mention the best way to fix the cluster fuck of all these random storylines that don’t matter, would have been just to pace all the earlier fights better so it felt more satisfying when Joe got to the end.

Instead of having random episodes near the end of the season where there is ZERO fighting, filled with random plot points like how the orphan kid had a #########……. makes it seem like you really do not know what you want this series to be. For example, the fact that they talked about one of these plot points for literally half of one episode, and then it is LITERALLY dropped from the ENTIRE story, proves that they (the writers) did not understand the point of the story they were writing. So in the end, I personally would rate this show an 8/10 because all the pointless subplots and the bad pacing of the fights really annoyed me, and really the only reason it is getting an 8 instead of a 7 is because the Music in this anime really was amazing to listen to😉

6/10 story
8/10 animation
10/10 sound
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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