Zipman!! - Reviews

nathandouglasdavis's avatar
May 11, 2021

What shitty and clunky storytelling. It's clearly just attempting to show off fight scenes between costumed characters with little regard for setting the stage or even giving the villains any semblance of motive behind their actions. Like, seriously, why are any of these villains acting in these stupid, stupid ways. God, it's so stupid. Also, there was an awkward non-transition between chapters 10 and 11, that separated two stages (I guess) of the stupid, stupid fights. Anyway, there is a clear theme of zippers in this manga. Zipman fights the zippered monsters from the Zipdown organization, winning the fights by unlatching their personalized zipheads from their zipsuits and then attaching them onto feir own zipsuit to create new zipforms. But it doesn't stop there, they also have buildings get unzipped and a soul dimension sequence where a soul is being unzipped. I would argue that they took this zipper theme too far. It stopped feeling like it was just a way to explain the superpowers (mysterious zipsuit technology) and started feeling like the author has a fetish for zippers or something. In this type of story, the suspension of disbelief is vital; but by leaning so far into the zipper theme, the author brought unneeded attention to how contrived and unexplained everything was. The art is good, but that's clearly not very important when everything else is so entirely unengaging. Even the fight scenes weren't particularly interesting or captivating; they just felt like flashy clashes. And Cheena, the girl the two brothers spent their lives trying to make smile, is just bland. Honestly, I would say that all of the characters feel pretty shallow and uninspired, though at least Kaname felt like fe had some potential.

1/10 story
8/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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