The Max Level Hero Strikes Back - Reviews

Alt title: Max Level Yeongung-nim Kkeseo Gwihwan Hasinda!

The Max Level Hero Strikes Back
Woojin9298's avatar
Jan 4, 2021

Everything was good, mc stupidly overpowered, cool and wooes the princess that everyone liked. Then he proceeds to be like, I want to live the rest of my life by myself on a farm. Like wtf. No asperation to be the greatest, to root out evil, to help the poor. My man refuses to be king, he just wants nothing to do with the world...

1/10 story
8/10 art
8/10 characters
2/10 overall
v1ad's avatar
Nov 10, 2020

This manga is quite deceptive i warn you. The begining is quite refreshing for an isekai-type manga. But quicky the plot becomes overly simple and the personality of the main character becomes totaly flat. Read if you have some time to lose but there are way better isekai-type manga than this one to discover.

6/10 story
7/10 art
6.5/10 characters
6.5/10 overall
AllarkVarkk's avatar
May 1, 2021

It's not bad nor is it good. Entertaining if you've ran out of things to read.

6/10 story
8/10 art
7/10 characters
7/10 overall
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Dec 29, 2020

one word: bombast

...and...another word: uninspired

...and two more words: slightly funny

...then...maybe just a handful more: lesser than Tales of Demons and Gods

...and finally, a bit of a rant:

The artwork is generic and glossy. The main character, Davey, has a ridiculously generic face. Are artists incapable of drawing characters that feel distinct and stand apart from the crowd? I personally find the blurry backgrouds to be annoying. It makes it feel like there's too much going on, but also not enough going on. None of the images can be considered "beautiful." It's colored, but simplistic. There's also some 3D images thrown in and some copy-and-pasting in lieu of redrawing, which are both things I dislike. I get the strong impression that many of the images, in the backgrounds especially, weren't actually drawn. Panels don't always flow well together--feel more like individual images rather than sequences.

In the beginning, the exposition feels off. Maybe there's too much thought narration? It tells us how Davey's awesome rather than showing us how fe's awesome. Also, fe's not all that awesome. At least as a character. Fe's powerful, but isn't actually very charismatic or engaging. Fe's condescending and aimless, leisurely seeking power and revenge against those that wrong fem. The villains are likewise one-dimensional in their villainhood--they are cruel and unthinking and lack any sense of humility or empathy. The fights have flashy lines, but are honestly pretty boring. And the way the story doesn't comment on the problematic nature of the entire political structure in general is pretty shallow. Fe intends to root out the corrupt nobles and presumably fill their roles with non-corrupt nobles, but that doesn't prevent the system from inevitably falling into corruption once again (generations down the line). They live in a society where it's acceptable for people to be executed for blaspheming against royalty. That's an exceedingly messed up society. And while it's possible to interpret Davey's goals as aiming to benefit the country as a whole (if you want to be generous), it's actually easiest to just interpret fem as seeking to benefit femself personally. Fe wants power not out of a sense of duty to the citizenry, but because power will help fem accomplish feir own personal goals (of vengeance and whatnot). Which is a definite misuse of feir royal position and, as such, is arguably just as corrupt as those fe is trying to upend. Does the story intend to get into any of this? No, 'cause raising questions on the responsible limits of power would kinda damper the whole power fantasy thing.

[Reviewed at chapter 28]

3/10 story
4/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
RaynbowArcher1975's avatar
Jan 15, 2021

To some I'm definitely overestimating this manga, but to me it was absolutely amazing. It's just like your average story. Weak guy trains and gets strong powers. That's exactly what I like about it. It doesn't skip over certain topics that make you think, "wait a minute how did that even happen?" It's got  good pacing. It's good. If you're looking for your average OP Isekai Manga, this is it.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall