Teenage Mercenary - Reviews

Alt title: Ipak Yongbyeong

Teenage Mercenary
sasukestan's avatar
Jan 30, 2022

Ugh. Maybe I shouldn't have read it, but this is pretty pathetic.

It's just a power fantasy with no conflict nor tension. If you're into that, great. The MC is a Gary Stu with no personality and a sister complex. All he does is beat up arseholes to defend justice. He is a paragon in a deep, dark world full of rich, snobby people. The characters are flat, and the villains have no purpose/motivation except to be a villain that is easily defeated.

The point of this is to beat up jerks, have pretty girls pining over you, leave an impression on your soon-defeated enemies, and overall seem nothing less than badass. Ijin has no flaws, he is all positive. Other characters exist to serve him only. If you don't like him, you are automatically a villain. The world is made out to be worse than it is purely to give Ijin a reason to keep being badass, and yet, the end goal seems to be oH nO wHeN wILl ThE bAdAsS mC fInAlLy GeT aN oRdInArY lIfE??

3/10 story
6.5/10 art
2/10 characters
3.5/10 overall
Eloibinette's avatar
Apr 12, 2022

This manga truly embodies everything wrong with the OP main character archetype. The entire story (which is extremely lackluster) is only present to fuel the idea that this character is untouchable. There is not a single instance in this Manwha where the protagonist faces an actual struggle. This is such a horribly written and cringe worthy self jerking session; making such a tool of an individual in your manga should be illegal. The ONLY redeeming factor to this series is how impressive and sharp the art is. Its a very pretty blend of Manwha styles and the artist makes the art look lively with the use of motion. Overall, this was a painful experience that I really wouldn't recommend. This kind of fantasy truly feeds such a unattractive ideal and makes the story agonizing for it's reader

3/10 story
7/10 art
1/10 characters
4/10 overall
avarageweeb's avatar
Oct 18, 2021

i like the art , the story line is... non existent (i have no clue as to why he is doing the things hes doing i get friends and all but like its kinda weird how everything is happening and just happening).  the characters are just boring to me. well i should say character since i just do no like the main character , idk i just feel hes too bland and boring. hes the cold blooded character who is a war child(?) who returns to modern day. its just that his characters just doenst show any emotions , hes too boring. if it was the younger me i would have definetly loved his character since i used to be a edgy teen who liked cold blodded mc's but now i just feel like hes boring

5/10 story
10/10 art
1/10 characters
4/10 overall
RiamuRamu's avatar
Dec 3, 2020

This story is literally perfect. But I can't give it 10/10 for now since we still don't know how this story will turn out. Art great too. Definitely one of the better Korean manhwas. The main character manages to keep his secrets from the reader, but still give us the smallest scenes on what really happened after his plane crashed. The story's amazing and the characters are hilarious. Especially the two "bullies" at the beginning who end up being relatively nice.

9/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
tempesthorne99's avatar
Apr 3, 2021


Bloody action-packed story since chapter one. It really keeps you on your toes. I love that the character is totally OP but at the same time is open to interactions, and not the cold "Sasuke" type. He's just your typical quiet guy who's discovering mundane things at a curious pace and is attached to his newfound family. Everything can burn and he wouldn't blink an eye but harm his sister's hair ~ it's high time to meet the Maker. 


Jin was the sole survivor of a plane crash with his parents ten years ago. He had been living off as a mercenary since then. Now, he got the chance to go back home and experience what a real family is like. But it seems like trouble chasing him around.

10/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall