NEET Onna to Shougaku 2-nensei - Reviews

Alt title: The NEET Woman and the Second Grader

NEET Onna to Shougaku 2-nensei
Yakoz's avatar
Apr 21, 2017

NEET Onna to Shougaku 2-nensei, a collection of stories where the protagonists are all young women or teenagers. Slice of life is big key in all of them. Different situations, different feelings, different metaphors.

Plus/minus considerations:

  • STORY: to be frank I don't like any of these chapters. I understand some of them are metaphorical, but I can't take seriously a story where the protagonists are a girl and an onion.. I can't. You're telling me that's the point? What a waste of time. The only one that interested me a bit was the Alice in Wonderland one. The least favorite is the one with the blind girl who wishes something new everyday, what kind of message is that? (--)
  • ART: it looks nice but it seems there are many mistakes. I don't know why facial features appear to be crooked that frequently: the eyes and the noses are all over the place.. why? I like the traits and the physiognomy of the characters, not bad. (+)
  • CHARACTERS: Although characters look decent, I don't like any of them. The one I despise the most is the girl from chapter 3, "The Lady and the Gardener". That girl deserves to be slapped and the gardener is even more idiotic for doing everything he does. Where's the comedy in this? (--)

Disappointed with this read, it looks ok but I didn't enjoy the stories. I do not recommend it personally.

3/10 story
6/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Mar 17, 2022

Mostly, the chapters are all standalone stories. The only exception is that the sixth chapter is a continuation of the story from the first chapter. Several of the stories have a character going through an event which forces fem to emotionally process some things which fe had been avoiding and learning to value "moving forward" (as opposed to getting bogged down with anxieties or worries about the past). The middle two stories (chs. 3 and 4) are both quite absurdist and silly, which initially felt out of place to me considering the previous two stories seemed to have both been trying to deal with more serious topics (even though chapter two involved a talking onion). Both chapter two and chapter five blend together the more serious, bettering yourself stuff along with the absurdist stuff. I think my favorite story is probably chapter four (the Alice in Wonderland one), though I also found the third chapter (the theft-ing one) to be weirdly endearing in how dumb it was.

A lot of the artwork felt sloppy and perhaps a bit too simplistic. But I did appreciate some of the experimentation done in the fourth chapter.

4/10 story
6/10 art
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
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