Mou, Sou Shichau? - Reviews

Alt title: Oh, Is That What Happened?

Mou, Sou Shichau?
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Aug 18, 2020

For a manga about peeking at panties and ogling female classmates, the artist is really horrible at drawing skirts hanging over hips and just draws buttcheeks and a crack and expects us to assume that underwear is there. But based on the art alone, I would have to assume all these girls are going to school commando. The only reason I know the author intends for us to interpret them as wearing underloons is because the main character comments on their color. We do see a scene of a gym class where all the girls are wearing tight-fitting, cameltoe-creating bottoms. The story's extremely bland, just feeding into the author's apparent voyeuristic fetish, with its only twist being the idea that there's a girl who also enjoys ogling other girls. It's douchy behavior whenever a group of bros rank women, and it's no less douchy when a girl joins in.

2/10 story
1/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
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