Meguro-san wa Hajimete Janai - Reviews

Alt title: It's Not Meguro-san's First Time

Meguro-san wa Hajimete Janai
arnexks's avatar
Apr 3, 2021

A romance manga about a silly boy who never had a girlfriend who asks out a quiet girl who had many relationships. The manga is very cute, both the main characters start to grow on eachother and it feel like they truly become a great couple. Meguro (the girl) first feels like an emotionless character, but when Koga (the boy) really holds their moments dear and just acts like a cute bun, Meguro starts seeing his passion and she herself starts acting cute nad passionate. Sum people can't handle some stressful moments of the manga, there are some scenes that tryina spook you as if NTR will happen. It doesn't, stop being crybabies. A wholesome read, check it out.

6/10 story
5/10 art
7/10 characters
6/10 overall
nathandouglasdavis's avatar
Jun 16, 2020

A story of two people with broken self-esteems and how their romance has helped them rebuild healthy emotional states. Koga is pessimistic and timid, but Meguro's straightforward and nonjudgmental acceptance of fem as fe is lets Koga feel wanted and self-assured. Meguro has deadened feir personal desires, finding it easier to just go along with what other people want, but Koga's compassion and persistent prodding to get to know fem better lets Meguro feel like fe matters and that it's okay to be selfish. There's some drama and stuff they have to deal with as a couple. Some of it's caused by Meguro having had many boyfriends, so there's some jealousies, protectiveness, and/or judginess felt by people around fem. Some of it's caused by people being in love with either Koga or Meguro and wanting to be their romantic partners instead (to no avail). A recurring theme is that the "first time" something is done (first love, first kiss, first time having sex, etc.) isn't something to hold up on a pedestal. And that each instance can be just as special as the first.

Kinda sketchy art style. Which looks okay with the faces and hair, but not so great with the backgrounds and hands.

[Reviewed at chapter 31]

3/10 story
3/10 art
4/10 characters
3/10 overall
Maru69qrd's avatar
Nov 23, 2021

QRD:The infamous female lead is not a virgin trope. A lot of people might have varying opinions based off the context of this story but ultimately it's dry. Classic nerd boy and popular/pretty girl trope. Insecure man and emotionless Fmc. The character development is somewhat alright but nothing special. The art is plain with nothing really grabbing the readers attention. It's really a mind numbing read, so if you need something to read on the toilet or just wanna kill some time, there's better options. Overall it's neither bad nor good in my honest opinion. This seems to be a story that won't reach any real development until the very last second, so I recommend letting it finish it's run, then reading it.

4.5/10 story
6/10 art
3.2/10 characters
2/10 overall
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