Fort of Apocalypse - Reviews

Alt title: Apocalypse no Toride

Fort of Apocalypse
StitchKitteh's avatar
Jan 23, 2016

I really love stories that involve zombies, and this is one might be my favorite. The characters are really great, they have unique personalities, and they have really well developed and interesting backstories, maybe except for the main charcter, who could stand to have a more unique backstory. He's sort of the typical shonen protag with ~special~ powers. He's still cool though. I also really love the relationships between the characters, and im still cheering them on to become CLOSER. (haha) And the zombies.....dude. They are sooo ****** cool! They're super creepy and really one of a kind. Their designs kind of remind me of Left For Dead, but even more gorey and nasty. I highly reccomend Fort of Apocalypse if you want a new and fresh zombie action story with lots of gore, cute felons, and lots and lots of nasty, creepy as hell, unique zombies.

9/10 story
10/10 art
9/10 characters
10/10 overall
bunda6662's avatar
Jan 31, 2022

It is your usual zombie story until chapter 10 when things start to go in a different direction. The story tries to be original but never really takes off. All in all it is worth a reading if you want a little twist to a zombie story. The art is very good and stays good all through the story. The characters are nothing new.

6/10 story
8/10 art
4/10 characters
5/10 overall
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Sas47's avatar
Jan 26, 2022

Interesting manga but i would liked it much more if there were more explanation about how that M and F virus came and how people got it.

9.5/10 story
10/10 art
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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kilrazan's avatar
Apr 21, 2022

I'm always a sucker for apocalypse stories, especially Zombie apocalypses, but it's really easy for them to start feeling the same after a while. Apocalypse no Toride manages to stand out from its peers by delivering a concise, well thought-out story with just the right amount of a unique twist on the Zombies. I thoroughly enjoyed this with only a few minor complaints.

Story - Our MC is sent to a detention center after being falsely convicted of murder. Unbeknownst to him nor anyone else, that murder was one of the first Zombie victims, and mere moments after he is shown to his new cell, the Apocalypse breaks out in earnest outside the prison walls. We follow him and his cellmates as they come to know each other across the various journeys they undertake both in and outside their prison... Their story contains a number of really excellent and moving moments that I was quite impressed by. And more importantly for the narrative, the Zombie Apocalypse has its own unique vibe with how it handles the infection that I found intriguing. The pacing was a little fast at times - I do wish it had spent more time lingering on a few plot developments to give it more time to set in, but at the same time I also really appreciate how much the author was able to fit in to so few chapters. 8/10; Well above average for a Zombie Apocalypse narrative.

Art - At times beautiful, and at others grotesque. The art here is excellent in many ways, and contains a great deal of detail in both background and foreground elements. Every chapter was a visual treat. My only real complaint is that there were a few action scenes where it was hard to follow what was happening. 9/10; I loved how horrifying yet goofy some of the zombie's faces were

Characters - Among the best-written characters I've seen in a work like this. Each character was entirely unique and behaved true to their well-established motives. The vast majority of character growth and development felt genuine and earned. I do have one scene in mind that felt a bit off, but that falls back to my complaint about how sometimes the pacing felt rushed - There's a moment where the MCs all bond over an arcade machine that one of them is nostalgic for, but the timing in which it happens feels a bit too early for them to be all chummy with each other in that way considering that they were at each others' throats earlier the same day. 9/10; Simply impressive

Overall - I won't say this is the best Zombie Apocalypse manga out there, nor even among my favorites. However, it's very well done, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it, eager for the next chapter. I highly recommend it if you have any interest in this genre. 9/10; I need more well-thought-out Zombie Apocalypse stories like this in my life.

8/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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WeebQueen's avatar
Oct 26, 2020

Great story for zombie apocalypse lovers, my only complaint is that the story seems unfinished, or is just lacking develpoment/world building. I read the last 3 volumes online, so it could be that the site I used was not able to translate all of the raws, however, there were similar inconsistencies in the first volumes I read as well. It seems like the story was rushed or perhaps was scrapped and wrapped up, the manga in my opinion closes very abruptly. With the way everything was being built up it seemed like there was so much more to the story that should have been in there. Still a great read, but it leaves you wishing for more.

8/10 story
10/10 art
8/10 characters
8/10 overall
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