Elf Deck To Senjou Gurashi - Reviews

Elf Deck To Senjou Gurashi
ImRandomJean's avatar
May 7, 2022

I do not understand myself what I just read..

Our mc was bullied in real life and died but got reincarnated in another world. This world is his favorite card game Magic Walker. Now with his elf deck, he's trying to survive in this world.

It's only 12 chapters, with good enough drawing and it's usually him fighting and using his decks advantages while thinking of his opponent's deck.
After that, **spoilers** we get to see other players and the possibility to return to their world.

There are long explanations that don't make much sense until the last sentence and bizarre things happening near the end but it wasn't that bad.. I mean yes it was bad but still 4-5/10.

It's also a Gender Bender but I don't have anything to say about it..

5/10 story
6/10 art
5/10 characters
5/10 overall
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