Beating the Heroine at Her Own Game - Reviews

Alt title: Akuyaku Reijou no Torimaki Yameyou to Omoimasu

Beating the Heroine at Her Own Game
Manthika's avatar
Oct 23, 2020

There’s cliché, and then there’s contrived.  When you’re a ‘mere minor side character’ and everything falls into place before the first half of the first book is even through, a prince confides state secrets to you for basically no reason and all the ‘capture target’s are immediately fond of you- that just doesn’t make sense.  I’m sorry, but that’s ridiculous.  Not to mention the small, ridiculous details (what kind of idiot believes flip flops will help them diet, for example??) Finishing the first book was enough for me, ultimately, I won’t read any more.  A good story will hook you and leave you wanting more- this just irritated me, honestly.  

2/10 story
5/10 art
3/10 characters
3/10 overall
JelaVera's avatar
Jan 13, 2021

its so annoying 

FL is easily charmed and jealous. FL chases after the ML in her heart and admires him but acts all dense on the outside bruh. makes u wonder how tf she was a middle-aged wife in her previous life when she is so stupid abt romance

AND HOW DOES SHE SEE ML ROMANTICALLY?? she was a mum and the prince is basically her son's age...  with how she acts like 10 evn tho she was 40+ in her prev life, its super cringe

ML blindly believes the Heroine and accuses her but FL IMMEDIATELY forgives him and gets flustered when he apologise once and pulls up some sad sob story. ML boohooed once and FL falls for every bullshit he says

Apologies don't always work and i hate how FL kinda has jealousy issues but doesnt know it,  is freakng cringy and becomes a damsel in distress whenever she sees ML.  and ik i said it before but she has a mental age of about 9 like wtf

art is the only redeeming thing but its not even all that, highly not recommended

1/10 story
4/10 art
1/10 characters
1/10 overall
blueberrypie31's avatar
Dec 30, 2021

Yeaaaaaaaa just nooooo. The characters don't really act logically. Like legit the freaking prince confides into the mc about his situation even though they have met only briefly, which is strange af cus you don't really discuss such sensitibe matters with someone you are not even close with???? And what's with the competition to win the prince's heart in the school, like how the fuck do the logistics even work with that? Apparently any lady can challenge another to some contest and the theme is randomised and the event is held?? Wouldn't it be more logistically prudent and efficient to just host some consort contest or something instead of some face off events taking place in a SCHOOL????? I get that this is a story derived from an otome game but...cmon at least make SOME form of sense. 

Plus, the whole shoes that help lose weight thing...uhhh that would mean your legs would constantly be at a workout right?? And if it's worn for the entire day won't you just be straining your legs and potentially injuring yourself?? especially worse since its on HEELS. 

Also it's odd cus the mc is supposed to be a 40 year old mum, but it doesn't seem like she is a 40 year old mum. She knows a bit too much of the game considering that its HER PREVIOUS reincarnation's daughter that played it?? Would have been better to have the daughter reincarnate instead to be honest. Jeez. 

Yea, sorry but just...nah. Plot is all over the place. Characters are ok but sometimes behave so unrealistically I cannot wrap my head around it. Just no. 

(Apparently I marked this story as 5 stars, likely because I mistaken this to be similar to the white pig noble daughter manga, which is better and more realistic. I was legit confused when I came back to the manga and wondered why the story was so everywhere lol)

2/10 story
5/10 art
3/10 characters
3/10 overall
RavensFlight's avatar
Nov 23, 2023

This ones Otome game premise is slightly funnier than others, with duels being random mini games instead of just battling, but that's really all it's got going for it and they only occur twice. As is the norm with Isekai, the main character introduces some things into the world that really should already exist but we can write it off as silly Otome Game stuff. The characters all look the same, which is unhelpful in such a fast story. And of course, being a 40 year old housewife reincarnated into a romance is... Way more uncomfortable than a high school student. Waaay more when they start get the romance frame while they're still children and she's a mental adult. Honestly I found it really rushed and confusing. I think this is one of those Isekai that doesn't benefit at all from Isekai aside from getting more reads by jumping on the bandwagon. The main character hasn't even played the game, and has next to no otherworldy information to exploit. The plot is literally finished within the first half of the Isekai. That isn't a joke, it's only 37 chapters and the Villain is dealt with in chapter 13. It's totally wrapped up and done and over and the rest of the story is just pointless uncomfortable romance between an adult and a child, and a random poisoning plot that is so unbelievably inconsequential and out of the blue that I'm completely confused by it's inclusion. 

?/10 story
?/10 art
?/10 characters
4/10 overall
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