Matoi the Sacred Slayer

Episode 1

Well, this was... interesting but not great. I feels like they are trying very hard to be trigger with the way some of the things were framed but in the end I wasn't feeling the energy of it. The girl saying that she wanted to be normal a lot also reminded me of Luluco. It wasn't what I'd call a particularly memorable episode other than the amazingly increasingly terrible engrish but at least sets the premise and was fairly solid in production. The art style is a mixed bag with angular faces and above average eye sizes even for most Moe anime without really making the characters particularly detailed looking with flat shading making them somehow unremarkable.

The whole premise was pretty generic and even though the way they went about it was quite unusual in ways it still just doesn't feel very unique at the moment. Of course given a few episodes this might change but for now I must state that I wasn't impressed with anything. The villainous entities in this were interesting at first but lost their impact after being well dealt with through the means at the end of the episode. Which was also annoyingly convenient. Speaking of annoyingly convenient. Blue haired loli is one of the most plot stupefying characters I've ever seen.
Episode 2

The pacing was better. The character dynamics continue to be somewhat in line with expectation and the opening is a giant spoiler of what is to come apparently. All together I still have no idea if this is going to be adequate. It sure loves nudity, though.