Naoka UENO

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winterwolf18 Mar 29, 2019

Kinda funny how she grew on me. Did she bully Shoko endlessy and is she a shity person? Yes. But at least she admits it unlike Kawai.

NicoDiAngelo Mar 17, 2019

For sure, she was the main girl bully of Nishimiya and one of main reason for Sahara to switch places. She's terrible person for Shouko, but her reasons may be understandable. Worth noticing is at the beginning, she tried to help Shouko, but it's Shouko nature's and teacher stupidity that made her hate Shouko.

On the other hand, she was straightforward about her feelings to Shouko Nishimiya. She hates her, she couldn't understand her, and she knows it, doesn't try to pretend. She cared of Shouya and on bridge's scene - she didn't try to whiten herself, unlike Kawai. It's one of best-written character of Koe no Kotachi and unlike the hypocrite Kawai, may be even liked. It's very complex character, and because of that, I can't decide whether I like her or not. But I think her rating is kinda unfair of her.

Nexurent Mar 13, 2019

She would've been best gurl if she wasn't a bully.

ATanCommander Feb 23, 2019

I freaking hate this character. She's such a jerk! 

cragypaste Feb 12, 2019

I hate her cause she's a bitch, but I love her cause she's a well written bitch.