Yu-Gi-Oh! Movie 4: The Dark Side of Dimensions - Reviews

gojotease4's avatar
Jan 28, 2017

I just watched it today and let me tell you! It was freaking amazing! If you had any emotional attachment to any of the characters and truly miss them, you'll love this! Especially if you're a fan of The Seto Kaiba! It was seriously just wonderful. The only weird thing was a few plot details that were left out or overlooked (like the rules of the game) but if you've been watching Yugioh for a while, then we both know that this is very common. Loved it nonetheless! Definitely recommend!

9/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
9/10 overall
sleepbud3's avatar
Feb 3, 2017

Let me be perfectly clear, I am playing devil's advocate here, adding negatives to the positives to this movie. 

This movie does a great job in setting up the story, albeit rather straightforward antagonist reveal. I mean, it was leaked that Aigami was the antagonist everywhere on the internet, but damn, they could've tried to make it more subtle or hold off on it. Also Aigami is a real moron and felt like he was being the irl version of a SJW(Social Justice Warrior). His intentions were pure, but he was quite literally a dick to anyone he so cared to be a dick to. Just because he's getting bullied, he sends his bullies to be erased from this dimension, just because Joey isn't the brightest and resorts to his fists when he gets scared, doesn't meant that you erase him from this dimension. Kaiba was fair game because he actually was poking around where he wasn't supposed to, in order to try to get Atem to duel him again one final time. Because the Plauna powers get revoked when Atem walks the Earth after he was already sent off back to his time, the Plauna decide to try to prevent that by attempting to foil Kaiba's plan to put the puzzle back together.

Yugi is Yugi, he's still the same, except he longs to see Atem one more time, but he comes to terms that he never will be because the final duel in the original series was the last time he'd see Atem. Kaiba isn't willing to accept that and does some stupid shit at the end of the movie to get to Atem (I'm not gonna spoil it because it's so damn desperate). Anyways, He basically goes through an identity crisis the whole movie because he lost Atem, so there's that.

Joey is the same loveable goof that we all know and love. Tea is played by a different VA but her character remains unchanged. Bakura is still British. Tristan is still Tristan. Duke Devlin got a new VA and he went through the most thorough character change through his clothing and his personality slightly. Kaiba is still the same egotistical pompous windbag he's always been, and he's dead set on revenge on Atem. The whole movie is because he's so hellbent on redueling Atem one last time. 

There were a few flaws, such as not describing the card effects as much as I'd like because the last series I watched was a quarter through Zexal before dropping the series because of its stupidity. The times that they do explain card effects were perfectly concise, one sentence explainations, that would've been great if they did that with all the cards rather than going on the extreme of not saying effects from going through a monologue per card effect in the series. Another flaw was sometimes skipping draw phases and going straight to attacking.

Anyways, that's all I have to say about this movie, it gets an honest 9/10 from a true duelist.

7/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
7/10 characters
9/10 overall
karbok's avatar
Feb 8, 2017

Characters were designed to the originals with minimal changes to account for aging, story was a perfect way to bring back and conclude the rivalry between the pharaoh and kaiba.

The humour and cheesy back and forth was kept very much in the same style as original.

For those who grew up with the show it is an excellent tribute and nostalgia will win you over, new to the series may find the dialog immature and senseless but either way worth a watch.

7/10 story
8/10 animation
8/10 sound
8/10 characters
7.5/10 overall
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