Wonder Egg Priority - Reviews

yourglobalarsonist's avatar
Jun 7, 2021

The plot, animation, and characters are amazing. I'M HOOKED TO THIS SHOW. Overall it's amazing.

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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ShiroPlayz's avatar
Apr 11, 2021

it was the best anime i saw, i liked it alot.. i cant wait until season 2!!!!!

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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marthaj's avatar
Feb 26, 2021

The characters stories are all so unique and interesting as is the story and plot. Reallly enjoying this anime :)

8/10 story
9/10 animation
8/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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ChineseWick's avatar
Feb 15, 2024

"Wonder Egg Priority" emerges as a visually stunning and conceptually ambitious anime that delves into the intricate themes of adolescence, trauma, and friendship. Through the story of Ai Ohto and her journey within a surreal dreamscape to save girls from their traumas, the series ambitiously attempts to tackle complex psychological issues and the concept of personal redemption. Its unique blend of fantasy elements with harsh realities aims to offer a fresh narrative experience, though not without its challenges.

Cracks in the Shell

  • A Kaleidoscope of Emotions: At its best, "Wonder Egg Priority" excels in its portrayal of the emotional landscapes of its characters. The series skillfully navigates the tumultuous waters of adolescent trauma, presenting its characters' struggles with sensitivity and depth. The personal growth and bonds formed between the characters provide a compelling emotional core to the story.

  • Artistic Brilliance: The animation and artistic direction of "Wonder Egg Priority" are undeniably striking. Its vibrant visuals, imaginative design, and fluid animation contribute to creating a mesmerizing world that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, effectively conveying the series' thematic concerns and emotional weight.

Shattered Dreams

  • A Labyrinth of Intentions: Where "Wonder Egg Priority" falters is in its narrative execution. The series introduces a plethora of themes and plot threads that, while ambitious, often result in a convoluted storyline. This complexity can overshadow the narrative's core emotional and thematic intentions, leaving viewers navigating a maze of unresolved questions and themes.

  • Balancing Act Gone Awry: The pacing and development of the series suffer from its attempt to juggle multiple characters and their respective traumas. This ambitious scope, coupled with the limited time to explore these issues fully, sometimes leads to a lack of sufficient resolution and depth for each character's story, diluting the impact of its more potent themes.

  • An Unsettled Resolution: The series' conclusion has been a point of contention among viewers. The attempt to wrap up its intricate plot and myriad themes in the finale has been met with mixed reactions, with some feeling that it leaves too many questions unanswered and emotional arcs incomplete. This has impacted the overall satisfaction with the narrative's resolution.

A Flickering Hope

Despite its narrative and pacing issues, "Wonder Egg Priority" remains a noteworthy endeavor in the anime landscape for its bold exploration of difficult themes through a visually captivating and emotionally charged lens. Its ambition to address the complexities of trauma, friendship, and redemption in a fantastical setting demonstrates a commendable effort to push the boundaries of storytelling.


"Wonder Egg Priority" is a mixed bag that shines in its artistic expression and emotional depth but struggles with narrative coherence and resolution. Its attempt to weave a complex tapestry of themes and character arcs is both its strength and its downfall. While it may not fully realize its ambitious vision, the series offers a thought-provoking and visually remarkable experience that sparks conversation and reflection on the issues it seeks to explore. In the end, "Wonder Egg Priority" stands as a testament to the potential of anime to tackle complex psychological and societal themes, even if it doesn't always deliver a polished final product.

5/10 story
8/10 animation
7/10 sound
6/10 characters
6/10 overall
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devishjack's avatar
Feb 22, 2022

Welp, here I am, once again, I'm torn into pieces. And enough of that.


Where to even start. The creators had a pretty obvious vision from the start. The evil bad guys were going to be metaphorical representations of the evils that main character(s) either did, saw, or had happen to them. Then moe was forced with the added monster of the week format instantly killing the only good thing going for the show. The writers were obviously rushed (probably trying to come up with a new story on the spot due to studio interference) and had like, 2 recap episodes. And they were basically back-to-back. And then the whole twist ending (which probably was even surprising for the writers and staff working on it) out of no where... Just, 1/10.

Animation & sound:

I don't really care for pretty visuals and amazing sound. But this show has plenty of both. I really like the music in it and the visuals are amazing (until the staff became rushed and couldn't continue with the amazing art style). 4/10.


The last saving grace of the show. Until they ruined that as well. Introducing too many characters with not enough time for development and many characters falling back to their old habits after supposedly growing. 3/10.


The show was obviously bogged down by some kind of interference and it absolutely ruined what could've been a great show. It ruined it's theme of growing past trauma and that anyone can fall from grace, by making all the deaths caused by some stupid AI robot girl that didn't get enough attention from daddy. Overall, 3/10.

edit: just because I hate what this show became so much, I knocked 2 points off animation and sound respectively.

1/10 story
4/10 animation
4/10 sound
3/10 characters
3/10 overall
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