Interviews with Monster Girls - Reviews

Alt title: Demi-chan wa Kataritai

JustSomeCreep's avatar
Feb 17, 2022

I have been checking every couple of months to see if there is a season 2 being made yet, and, so far, nothing but disappointment for years. 

Perhaps a delusion at this point, but I'll see ya again in...April.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
9/10 overall
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AtemAndrew's avatar
Jul 8, 2019

Even the beach episode was wholesome.

This anime isn't about sexy monster girls or dangerous monster girls, it's about cute high school students who happen to be monster girls.

9/10 story
9/10 animation
7/10 sound
9/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Pokesatsu96's avatar
Aug 27, 2023

i love everything about this anime! only thing i hate is that there isnt a 2nd season casue i really want ms satou and mr takahashi to end up together! ik theres been talks for a while of a 2nd season but just like with any rumor its best to wait til the creators confirm it first with evidence via a trailer for the next season. in terms of characters lets talk about what i like about each one. starting with the vampire girl hikari. even tho she loves to cause chaos she still knows when to get serious and is willing to defend her friends when it matters most. next is mr takahashi, i love how he treats the girls like his own daughters and that the writers didnt have him use his research as an excuse to be pervy with the students. he genuenly feels like he cares about everyone around him. next is kyouko the dulahand apologies if that was mispelled. even tho she accels academically they dont treat her as a snarky know it all. her crush on mr takahashi was cute but im glad they didnt explore it and made it clear he dosent see the students that way. next up is the snow girl yuki. her role as the shy new kid was done perfectly. her struggles with feeling accepted felt very real and relatable imo. finally we have the succubus ms satou. just like with the other monster girls the writers did an excelent job at writing the character different from how the legends go. you really feel bad for her that she had to live in the middle of nowhere to avoid making the men around her unintentionally fall in love with her. and her crush on mr takahashi is adorable but also realistic in a sense. it even makes for some funny moments like how mr takahashi was giving everyone hugs but then had to quickly remind ms satou that he cant give her one casue of her sucubus powers. 

like i said before i love how this anime strays away from the scary parts of monster legends to try and humanize the monster girls. i also love how this could easily be an allegory for todays world of why its imoprtant to not judge everyone based on things that are outside of their control. like their race, gender, height, etc. 

if you want an anime that is a great slice of life with some well intergrated comedy then i cant reccomend this enough. if you end up loveing this as much as i do youll see why i really want there to be a 2nd season already. 

10/10 story
10/10 animation
10/10 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall
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gabrielz8's avatar
Oct 5, 2020

Prejudice, social segregation, discrimination ... these terrible words have always been part of our vocabulary since the beginning of humanity, but how to elaborate such a delicate subject?

Recently I was watching Demi-chan wa Kataritai, or Interviews with Monster Girls, created by Petosu and produced by A1-Pictures studios, and I ended up coming across a speech so powerful that it took me completely by surprise, which was the following:

“It is not how you were born that makes you who you are, but how you decide to live with what you are. However, we also cannot ignore someone's ‘Demi’ nature, because they face obstacles that we never imagined. You cannot look at everything from one side, it has to be both, if you see only the ‘Demi’ nature, you will lose the individuality, and if you only see the human nature, you will not understand the difficulties that they go through all days. Both are precious, the important thing is the balance between the two.”

Interviews with Monster Girls, takes place in a universe where there are people with special characteristics that we only hear about in fairy tales, the so-called Demi-Humans, or simply “Demis”, and how slowly their being accepted into society and even if the focus isn't to bring a deep discussion to such a delicate subject, it manages to explore it in a subtle and impressive way, especially when it shows in greater depth how each of the characters sees their ‘Demi’ side:

  • Sakie Satou, who is a Succubus, so with a simple touch she can cause excitement and desire in the opposite sex, requiring her to dress in countless layers of clothing to avoid causing a big commotion;

  • Hikari Takanashi, who is a vampire, where she can get in contact with the Sun and even eat garlic, but she is much more sensitive to heat and hot days than anyone else;

  • Kyouko Machi, who is a Dullahan, so her head was born disconnected from the rest of her body, needing to carry with her arms everywhere;

  • And Yuki Kusakabe, who is a snow woman, where her body temperature is so low that in times of stress she can exhale a lot cooler air and even cry frozen tears;

The way that each of the girls reacts with their own peculiarities, especially how the people around them try to live with them, is something very human and real, some try to treat them normally, others want to be polite and don't want to offend them, and even gossip and bullying are present for them to overcome.

Perhaps it is indeed a complicated subject, or perhaps it is simpler than we imagine, perhaps this issue will be resolved in the coming years, or perhaps it will continue to live until the end of our existence...there will still be many doubts and questions, however, instead of isolating ourselves and not talking about it, how about we get together and try to find a solution together?

Bellow there is a video link, entitled “Equal and Different”, which better analyzes the Anime and its premise as a whole, making this review even more accurate (Please turn on the English Sub for it).

Preconceito, segregação social, discriminação...essas terríveis palavras sempre fizeram parte do nosso vocabulário desde os primórdios da humanidade, mas como elaborar um assunto tão delicado?

Recentemente eu estava assistindo Demi-chan wa Kataritai, ou Interviews with Monster Girls, obra de Petosu ペトス e produzida pelos estúdios A1-Pictures, e acabei dando de cara com uma fala tão poderosa que me pegou completamente de surpresa, que foi a seguinte:

“Não é como você nasceu que faz quem você é, mas como decide viver com o que você é. Porém, nós também não podemos ignorar a natureza demi de alguém, porque eles enfrentam obstáculos que nós nunca imaginamos. Você não pode olhar tudo por um único lado, tem que ser os dois, se você ver apenas a natureza demi, você vai perder a individualidade, e se você só ver a natureza humana, você não vai entender as dificuldades que eles passam todos os dias. Ambos são preciosos, o importante é o equilíbrio entre os dois.”

Interviews with Monster Girls se passa em um universo onde existem pessoas com características especiais que só ouvimos falar em contos de fadas, os chamados Demi-Humanos, ou simplesmente Demis, e como lentamente estão sendo aceitos na sociedade e, mesmo que o foco não é trazer uma discussão profunda para um assunto tão delicado, a obra consegue explorar isso de maneira sutil e impressionante, em especial quando mostra mais a fundo como cada uma das personagens encara o seu lado Demi:

  • Sakie Satou, que é uma Succubus, onde com um simples toque pode causar excitação e desejo no sexo oposto, sendo necessário que ela se vista com inúmeras camadas de roupas para evitar que cause uma grande comoção;

  • Hikari Takanashi, que é uma vampira, onde ela consegue entrar em contato com o Sol e até comer alho, porém é bem mais sensível ao calor e dias quentes do que qualquer outra pessoa;

  • Kyouko Machi, que é uma Dullahan, onde a sua cabeça nasceu desconectada com o resto de seu corpo, precisando carregá-la com seus braços para todos os lugares;

  • E Yuki Kusakabe, que é uma Snow Woman, onde sua temperatura corporal é tão baixa que em momentos de stress pode exalar um ar bem mais frio e até mesmo chorar lágrimas congeladas;

A maneira que cada uma das meninas reage com as suas próprias peculiaridades, principalmente como as pessoas ao redor tentam conviver com elas, é algo bem humano e real, alguns tentam tratá-las normalmente, outros querem ser educados e não querem ofendê-las, e até mesmo as fofocas e bullying estão presentes para elas superarem.

Talvez de fato seja um assunto complicado, ou talvez seja mais simples do que nós imaginamos, talvez essa questão se resolva nos próximos anos, ou talvez ela continue vivendo até o fim de nossa existência...ainda vão existir muitas dúvidas e questionamentos, porém, ao invés de nos isolarmos e não falar sobre isso, que tal nos unirmos e tentarmos encontrar uma solução juntos?

Segue o link do vídeo, intitulado de “Iguais e Diferentes”, que analisa melhor a obra e sua premissa como um todo, tornando essa review ainda mais precisa.

Link of the Video

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall
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Unfortunance's avatar
Aug 21, 2020

After watching a fair number of slice of life shows in recent memory, Interviews with Monster Girls was something of a breath of fresh air, and I surprised myself with how much I enjoyed it.

With a relatively episodic style of storytelling, the show follows the four titular "monster girls" or demi-humans, each retaining various quirks of monsters from classic folklore, in a high school setting, three of which are students and the last being a new teacher. They are joined by one of the school's biology teachers, who is in the process of researching demi-humans for a college paper. As the series progresses, elements of worldbuilding with regards to the unique aspects of each demi-human are pretty elegantly woven into the different relationships between the characters, with feel-good undertones. The plot isn't anything too new or unique, but the relatively realistic treatment and implementation of the demi-humans' quirks keep the story interesting and give the cast ample room to forge unique identities.

The cast themselves are all quite likeable, and the various relationships between the central five, while not extremely distinctive from classic slice of life archetypes, are satisfying to watch nonetheless and feel genuine. The character designs are easy on the eyes and, contrary to a lot of monster-oriented media in the anime world, are not subject to much ecchi whatsoever, which was quite welcome in a genre full of oversexualization.

Overall, I found myself enjoying Interviews with Monster Girls a lot more than I expected when I first picked it up, pleasantly surprised by how uplifting and loveable the premise of the show could be when executed well, and I wholeheartly recommend it anyone who's a fan of slice of life or even moe.

TL:DR A surprisingly wholesome, charming and cute show about monster girls integrating into a modern high school life and coming to terms with how their lives are affected by their unique quirks.

8.5/10 story
9/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.5/10 overall
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