Housing Complex C - Reviews

Alt title: C Danchi

AustinDR's avatar
Oct 23, 2022

So, ultimately, the show had potential with its limited number of episodes and, for the most part, I did get some of the chills. The setup of dead fish dumped at Kimi's place and the increasing dread were definitely there. However, there is no payoff after everything is said and done. The last episode does explain some things but it comes off as so out of the left field, there is nothing there that feels that nothing of value was achieved. The characters themselves are standard and one-note, you feel nothing when they inevitably are in life-threatening situations and the plot itself only starts picking up with the three or two remaining episodes. 

Things like saying that "xenophobia is bad" are lackluster in themes and some potential plot points are left unanswered or do not have adequate weight. This is a total nothing story with characters that you care about as much as used toilet paper.

4/10 story
7/10 animation
7/10 sound
3/10 characters
5/10 overall
kyouos's avatar
Jan 5, 2023

The idea that is standing behind the whole story (whole 4 episodes) is impressive and if the team would have a better vision of the project and thought about it more, it could be a nice piece. It was short and and rushed, it had a lot of moments when you felt like you don't understand anything and the character development was quite poor.
In my personal opinion, I couldn't say it was "horror" because there was no atmosphere, I wouldn't say there was something scary/something you can call frightening. On the other hand for someone, some of the parts can be disturbing, such as a dog corpse/mummy, dead animals, some blood, and injuries (broken arm, pierced hand/torso, etc.). It also talks about gods and a bit of religion which is sometimes a sensitive topic.
I have watched "Serial Experiments Lain" and this reminds me a bit of it. I would say it's because the whole mystery is unfolding very slowly and unobtrusively which makes you see the whole explanation at the very end of the story. Also, it makes you think about anything but the real mystery that is happening because of the lack of information.
But the biggest downside of the whole work is the original English DUB which isn't pleasant to hear. It was airing in October and even though I'm watching it in January (which is like 3 months after) I wasn't able to find it with JP DUB.

In conclusion, I liked the idea but that's probably it, nothing more. It's just 4 episodes so it's bearable and I can say it isn't horrible but it isn't good at all. Maybe give it a try and make your own opinion, to see it from your perspective.

8/10 story
6/10 animation
3/10 sound
4/10 characters
5.3/10 overall
Mousekateer627's avatar
Jan 9, 2023


The story is basically we are all horrible racists creatures and Cthullu has awakened to spread his wrath on the unworthy.

The first three Episodes is mainly the old Japanese residents fighting with the immigrants because they're weirding out the old folks. The Final episode reveals the "true monster", with exposition equivilant to a retired college professor talking your ear off while you're waiting for the bus under the blazing sun, then ending the episode and series with bloody massacre and a fed up God.

watch it if you want to laugh, cure your insomnia or scare your grandparents.

3/10 story
7/10 animation
6/10 sound
3/10 characters
4/10 overall
reiiikoo's avatar
Dec 23, 2023

The anime had a potential, like I genuinely enjoyed watching it but due to having it only 4 episodes (about 100 minutes) it was rushed. I feel like it could've had the regular 12/13 episodes.

In the first two episodes there was not much going on, then in the third there was something going and in the last one all the information was dumped at me I barely understood what actually was behind everything happening in the anime. If it was longer and the informations were revealed little by little we could come up with our own ideas of what is happening. (But we can't or at least I couldn't because there wasn't much info from the first three episodes). And the characters had a little to zero development and I barely understood who is who there.

But still I could feel the tension somehow building up even if it was short and it gave me the creeps for sure. Some people say that it shouldn't be labeled as a horror but I myself am a very sensitive person (not necessarily gore but I found a lot of things disturbing), maybe it doesn't feel like a horror to everyone but I'd say it was kind of creepy and disturbing. So if you're sensitive then maybe you shouldn't watch it since there is gore and dead animals… But I still think it's worth watching so I hope this helps <3

If you want to talk about this anime with me or about something else you can messege me on Instagram, reii.833

7/10 story
7/10 animation
8/10 sound
4/10 characters
5.5/10 overall
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