FACT: Behind A Smile - Reviews

PharuanUndearth's avatar
Nov 30, 2017

As anyone who read my reviews before I'm not a fan of MV anime as they aren't true anime but this just changed my mind a little bit.

Pros: Everything

Cons: It hasn't been made into an actual anime.


If it were an anime I would be watching as we speak, it has a very good fight scene to open up with. The music is pretty good, what I can extrapolate from what I see is that his wife was killed by some monsters as soon as they got married. He gets kidnapped and branded(different as a whole mask is the brand) and is either forced or willing to fight other branded creatures. He defeats every creature in front of him and kills the two unbranded lieutenants and the unbranded boss. Places his branded mask on the control system underneath the "throne room" and self-destructs the only visible land in this "realm". Short but these words can barely scratch how awesome this actually was. Worth multiple watches.

8/10 story
9.5/10 animation
10/10 sound
7/10 characters
8.6/10 overall
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