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...situations can be extremely difficult. Perhaps what we all need is an angel with an automatic rifle to shoot the problems away. Yes, that happens in this manga. And I literally cracked up laughing at the image of that angelic lady, with serene facial expression and saintly halo effect and star-like glitter behind fem, casually shooting (what looks like) an automatic rifle one-handed at feir waist. This is a trip, for sure. Flowers and rainbows and robots and spec-ed up guitars. People floating or walking on nothing. Odd coloration. Silhouettes and blended images. Each page has vibrant colors and many of them have the layout style of a poster you’d hang up on your wall. The concluding thought is literally: “In that moment, [feir] consciousness was expanded and [fe] felt the vibrations of the universe.” It’s a trip, man. It’s a trip. It’s also a not-so-subtle condemnation of the arms race, of people and nations trying to find peace of mind through gaining access to the strongest weapon.

Other than the gun angel, my other favorite art moments are the giant mechanical tower/robot holding its palms parallel to each other. The level of detail on all those tubes and structures is great. I don’t even know what that thing is supposed to represent, but it’s mecha and gorgeous and epic. Then there’s the image of the guy wearing goggles, with red skin and green splotches coming out of feir head. The world doesn’t look the best, but the guy look epic as all fuck. I’m also into the koi fish. And, of course, the image of the guy walking along with a guitar floating behind fem is pretty hilarious. Literally floating. The guitar is explicitly mentioned in the narration, but it then contributes nothing to the story. Which is a...

3/10 story
10/10 art
2/10 characters
3/10 overall
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nathandouglasdavis Oct 26, 2021

This review was written as part of an experiment/challenge to myself to see how many oneshots I could read and review within a single day.

Final Tally: 24