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  • Austria
  • Joined Dec 8, 2011
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Defense Devil

Dec 8, 2011

Omg, please read this manga. When i first saw it i was impressed. I loved the cover! But i thought Defense Devil is one of this mangas who have a pretty cool cover and it sounds interesting but then it's absolutely bad. But it isn't! This manga is one of the best i've ever read!! The story is incredible, the characters and the art is so beautiful! And there are so many details! First i couldn't belive it...  The idea behind the story is unbelievable. You aren't able at all to say what's happening next... With every new page you're surprised. Every time. The characters are pretty cool and all of them are completely different! I'm not able to say something bad about this manga... because it's perfect!!! Please read it!  ;D

10/10 story
9/10 art
9/10 characters
9/10 overall
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luckyclover94 Jun 21, 2012

Couln't have said it better one of my fav too ^^