kueito's avatar


  • Joined Nov 30, 2019
  • ? / F

Action Romance with Mature Themes

Mature as in the ACTION is mature, not the romance lmao

All Romance I've Seen

In order (top = cutest)

College Manhwa

Going out late and eating chicken, pulling all-nighters, etc. etc. just college vibes

Favorite Supernatural Romance

I'm weak to this human girl meets supernatural boy stuff

i cried lol

kinda rare for this to happen so these are the notable things that have made me cry ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ👍

my firsts

(in date order).....also I watched this 40 minute (?) anime ep (?) of Initial D. Was on Mount Haruna I think. And Takumi I think? He had this cup of water in his car and if the water spilled, the tofu would be spoiled. Lmao idk...