kacchaan's avatar


  • Joined Dec 26, 2014
  • 22 / F

Anime Bingo: Spring 2021

I have compiled anime that I watched in order to complete prompts for the Anime Bingo: Spring 2021 challenge!

Background Characters I Would Sell My Soul For

The title may be a bit intense, but I really do love these side characters. They make the show better by just being present.

Basic but Bad Biddies

Female characters I look up to simply because they did that one thing that one time...and they are basic brunette baddies.

Doki Doki Anime Club

Why not make a master list of heart-wrenching anime? I've definitely seen enough. These selected few made my heart skip a beat. Whether it is the couple, the animation, plot, or some random scene...I am in love!

Lil' Bro Masterlist

This is a compilation of anime that my little brother would be interested in - as seen by me. This will help me every time he asks me to find a new anime for him to watch.