SpaceKun's avatar


  • Watford, UK
  • Joined Oct 2, 2007
  • 38 / M

Akai, then... here goes.. never liked doing these...

I'm Space. Short for SpaceMonkey. I'm from the planet of the ever-changing name, currently known as blarghicannaebebotheredtothinkofoneski. I've been stuck on this planet of pitiful mortals for 4 billion Earth years, which is about 1 month, 5 days, 2 hours and 59 minutes my time. Give or take.

As far as the wretched beings on this rock can tell, I'm a 22 year old guy with faded-electric blue hair, even though it's more tips only after so much growing without redoing, just past shoulder length. I live in a building with around 250 other people. It's not a prison, or even worse, a school, but it might as well be.

I love retro - old skool games, particularly SNES RPGs like FF6 and Chrono Trigger (and i'm sure i never saw all of the endings to that one), old skool music, '60s - '90s rock/britrock being the best, with the whole '80s Hair Rock scene causing a little embarassment and a lot of laughs. In fact, I love pretty much any music, except the boom boom stuff that exists only to make the walls vibrate. What's the point?

As for anime... well, i'll watch pretty much anything. I'm not really a fan of mechas, with Eva and Transformers being the obvious exceptions. I don't get turned on by yaoi, yuri, or anything with tentacles, but I'll happily watch it if it has a good story and decent artwork. And my fingers are tired, so that's all you're getting. ^^

Life on anime

  • 40 Minutes
  • 14 Hours
  • 3 Days
  • 2 Weeks
  • 0 Months
  • 0 Years

Anime ratings

  • 5
  • 4.5
  • 4
  • 3.5
  • 3
  • 2.5
  • 2
  • 1.5
  • 1
  • 0.5

76 total


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Morwen Oct 7, 2007

Yeah, I know what you mean! Sometimes it feels like it's hard to be original, since so much has been done before. I hope my stories will seem decently unique, though!

 Hahaha, I'm not much of a yaoi fan (only for a few pairings, really), so not much of that sort of thing ends up in my fanfics. XD; I like writing drabbles focusing on developing characters, mostly. (I like writing character pieces a lot.)

ZenithAstrali Oct 6, 2007

Hello there! I'm a few days overdue, but still, welcome to the site !

I absolutely luv your avatar, Cloud is awesome.I'll wait 'til you get good in photoshop to create your own Cloud & Sephi art, then i'll ask you for avatars and sigs ^_^. [read ur comment on Freakzilla's profile]

Have fun!

freakzilla Oct 6, 2007

Nice profile and a few great animes in your top 5! I like the avatar as well lol.

sothis Oct 5, 2007

Cloud is still hot! :p

PS: my hair is awesome as well, though it's not blue ;)

Morwen Oct 5, 2007

Oh no, I get what you mean! It's a perfectly valid way to watch anime, I think. Even though I really get into the storyline and the characters, the art is a big reason why I like anime, too.

 Mostly I write fantasy fiction with a sort of "fairytale" feel, although I like writing other things, too. My friends have dragged me into writing fanfiction, as well. XD;