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Sakura Trick

Apr 2, 2014

This show is just plain bullshit. It's just made of random kisses and so much stupidness, i can't believe it.
I'm not joking, really. Romance is one of my favorite genres and I'm not antipathetic towards yuri either but while watching this show i was always thinking why i don't drop this show already. It's just really stupid and dumb.

Don't watch this show, never. Not even when you just want to watch some shit to just chill out or to kill some time because you don't have anything to do or something else to watch. There are a lots of series that are way better to go with.

Conclusion: Bullshit.
Nuff said

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
0.5/10 overall

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