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  • Joined Aug 16, 2014
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Mekakucity Actors

Aug 22, 2014

To be honest, this anime was great but at some parts during the anime i didnt know what was going on because each episode would just jump to a new character. I also thought that this anime would of been even better if they made the anime longer (1-24 episodes) it seemed like the anime was more rushed. The characters, Animation, voice actors and storyline were perfect a total 10/10 but again its a little confusing when jumping from place to place in every episode.

?/10 story
?/10 animation
?/10 sound
?/10 characters
8/10 overall

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TheHugeAnimeFan May 14, 2015

Confusing series to the end! No matter which way you look. Great storytelling approach but ruined by the utter iffy confusing ways the anime has.

Kurona May 10, 2015

You do get the point. and because they skipped some parts, the story doen't makes sense. I think the reason why they rushed things cause they don't have enough money to continue the anime. I wonder why can't some ppl save money before they made an anime -,-