Justhappydog's avatar


  • Joined Aug 23, 2016
  • 23 / M

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If you think just one episode cant ruin a good anime, oh boy you are wrong. Watch this and know that fact. Really, this anime ruined itself with just one episode, one turn from a good comedy-action mix to seriousness bullsheet. The whole plot and the mood took a complete u-turn from that one episode. I won't mention which episode was it, so that your surprise wont get spoiled. Lets leave that and move on to the actual review

Story (7/10)
Leaving that one episode aside, I think the other parts of the anime was great. The whole thing of the hero being too cautious and being too powerful was all great. The humor was nice too. Everything was right on track till that one episode came. Unlike other isekai, where the mc has to die to reincarnate, in this the mc is chosed by a God to reincarnate into another world, and can return back to Earth if he defeats the demon lord. 

Animation & Sound (7/10, 9/10)
The animation was nice. Fight scenes were ok, and the artwork was good too.
And about the sound part, Ristarte, or the yellow thing, 's voice actor did a great job on it. The op was good too.

Characters (7/10)
The characters were good too with different designs and unique powers. They progressed along with the plot, UNTILL THAT ONE EPISODE CAME AND EVERYTHING WAS FUCCED. Other than that, it was ok.

Overall (7/10)
If not for that one episode, I would've given this 8/10 overall. Way to ruin an anime. Leaving that aside, this anime was great, and it had the potential to be more that what it has currently become.
If you like anime, where the plot takes a complete 180, then you can watch this. If you expect this to be full comedy and his whole cautios thing to prolong for 12 episodes and so on, don't watch this.

Also one other thing. The 'one episode' completely blurred my review, as I couldn't think of anything else while writing this. I apologize if you find that annoying, but it just lets you know how much it affected my watch of this anime and my whole memory of it. Thanks for reading btw! 😊

7/10 story
7/10 animation
9/10 sound
7/10 characters
7/10 overall

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Blazeyy Apr 13, 2024

I know this was 2 years ago, but was that 1 episode episode 10 where the fight drags for most the anime with little to no funny bits? Because while that was noticeable for me, it didn't ruin it for me. Just a weak point. Or the next episode where they go into the backstory? Because that episode also started with a pretty hilarious scene with ristarte shopping for a bathing suit. So I guess I just don't know what that episode was and I wish you actually talked about it lol.

ReiZero97 Jun 7, 2021

Well actually the world in this season was first world they saved together and the episode you don't like is prelude to second world they assigned to save so its not the end in Novel. I don't know whether Anime will get second season though. 

imaweebforlife Jul 16, 2020

Pls tell me the episode