Crua9's avatar


  • USA NC
  • Joined Mar 2, 2019
  • 36 / M

This is a worthwhile show. The only thing I would note is I doubt there will be a season 2. From my understanding, the studio is having problems.

The show is a repeat of some group of people getting zap to another game like world. Unlike many others, they have no memories of before they arrive, and they don't know how to get back home. The story follows a small team of underdogs that are doing what they can to not starve. There is no end goal insight.

As far as my problems, it goes into the world itself. It's difficult to figure out if actions and what you can do is limited to what class you're in. Like I was wondering why they don't posion their blades, use plants for minor heals, and stuff like that. 

And it's confusing if say someone who is a theft class can learn magic or heal abilities. Or is it the WOW format.

Something I like is the character development. Unlike other shows, they aren't OP at all. It's somewhat relatable since they have to struggle like everyone else. Also, I love the artwork. It looks like most of the background is painted. In fact, it wouldn't shock me if that was the case

Again, I highly recommend watching it with in mind there most likely won't be a season 2. 

8/10 story
10/10 animation
9/10 sound
10/10 characters
9.9/10 overall
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